Boosting the Blue Biotechnology community in the Mediterranean
The 2B-BLUE project, coordinated by the University of Murcia and co-funded by the Interreg Euro- MED programme, seeks to advance Blue Biotechnology across the Mediterranean by establishing national Blue Biotechnology Hubs (BBHubs). Bringing together 10 partners from six countries (Spain, France, Slovenia, Italy, Albania, and Greece) 2B-BLUE unites a regional network of expertise to leverage Blue Biotechnology for sustainable development, environmental restoration, and economic growth.
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Enhancing SMEs’ modernization and green innovation and transition towards successful sustainability by transnational collaborative practices and tools. – GREENSMES
The GREENSMES project tackles the common territorial challenge of boosting green innovation in business within IPA ADRION area and aims to strengthen innovation capacities in the IPA ADRION region through transnational quadruple helix synergies, by cross-collaboration among participating countries and regions in the field of green transition and clean technologies, SMEs support and upskilling, innovation ecosystem building and rural development.
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Innovation in Tourism in the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion (Innoxenia PLUS)
Tourism is one of the sectors most hardly hit during the COVID19 pandemic. The InnoXenia PLUS project has been designed in such a way so as to allow the exploitation of the tangible and intangible results of the previous Adrion InnoXenia project, optimize their value, enhance their impact and facilitate their integration at multiple levels, also taking into account the pandemic impact on tourism. It, thus, pays particular attention to the sustainability of the results and the enhancement of their impacts at regional level through direct involvement of local and regional policy makers, stakeholders and enterprises.
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Empowering the 4 helix of MED maritime clusters through an open source/knowledge sharing and community-based approach in favour of MED blue growth
4helix+ pjt aims at stimulating, coaching and funding CROSS-SECTORAL & TRANS-BOUNDARY INNOVATION OF THE MED KEY SECTOR “BLUE GROWTH ” which deserves to be better supported being an economic driver and a potential generator of development & jobs…
Building the ADRION Brand Name in Tourism: Indulging all Five Senses
The ADRION area has high potential for further development of sustainable tourism; however tourism suffers from several weaknesses. The common territorial challenge to be addressed by ADRION 5 SENSES is the lack of a sustainable tourism model based on innovative, high-quality tourism products and services…
BOOSTing the innovation potential of the triple helix of Adriatic-Ionian traditional and emerging BLUE growth sectors clusters through an open source/knowledge sharing and community based approach
The 7 regional maritime territories focused by BLUE_BOOST PJT (Zadar county; Marche, F.V.G. and Apulia regions; Western Greece and Central Macedonia regions; coastal areas of Durres, Vlora, Saranda and Shengjin in Albania) are branded by the presence of maritime (from mature/growing to emerging/just aspired) clusters with high heterogeneity of activities, tangible gap in communication and interaction among their 4 strands and poor attitude to interclustering, espec. at trans-sectoral level…
Safeguarding, enhancing and promoting the natural and cultural heritage of COastal COmmunities by boosting the eco-museum model aiming at smart and sustainable TOURism management
Co.Co.Tour project aims to guarantee a smart, inclusive and sustainable growth of the coastal communities in the target areas through a development of a cross-border model of cooperation based on heritage enhancing and tourism innovations. Starting from the example experience of Tricase Port Museum (IT), project creates two new ecomuseum realities in Albania and Montenegro that become dynamic centers for their communities on discovering and enhancing the material and immaterial heritage of coastal territories…
Competitive livestock entrepreneurship and health protection for sustainable rural economic development
Livestock is an important and integral component of the Balkan agricultural system that provides high quality food, cash income and employment. Livestock raising is among the main pillars of local economy in the Programme Area with 95.622 livestock farming SMEs (of cattles, sheeps and goats) and 5.332.752 animals…
Strengthening and empowering of cross border innovation networks through Fertilization Innovation Labs in Agro-food for improving the connection between research and SMEs (EIP Approach)
The common challenge is to foster agro-food micro and SMEs innovation level. SME innovation is one of the major drivers for common challenge competitiveness, employment, especially young people, introduction of new products to market and access to international markets. The innovation system of this area is weak…
Common strategies and best practices to IMprove the transnational PRotection of ECOsystem integrity and services)
IMPRECO main objective is to enhance the safeguarding of ecosystem services and tackle their environmental vulnerability strengthening the potential of protected areas in biodiversity and ecosystems conservation through their transnational networking…
Innovation in Tourism in the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion
Empowering ADRION tourism sector innovation is the way to safeguard the continuation of socio-economic growth of the area, tourism representing one of the most important industries in the area with four countries (Italy, Greece, Croatia, Slovenia) included in the world top 40 in 2015 (ref. Travel & Tourism Competitiveness Index – TTCI)…
Sustainable management and promotion of common cultural heritage- Smart Heritage
The overall objective of the SMART HERITAGE project is to promote, valorize and protect cultural heritage in the Adriatic-Ionian area. Its specific objective is to raise tourism attractiveness and reduce tourism seasonality in the project area consisting of Evia (Greece), Gerace (Italy), Forlì (Italy), Mostar (Bosnia-Herzegovina), and Albania…
Extension of ViP Dinarica in the CBC Region Albania – Kosova
ViP Dinarica is 600km extension of recently established 310km long Via Dinarica in CB region of MNE and BiH (www.viadinarica.com), running east from Durmitor National Park (MNE) into Kosovo and Albania. ViP Dinarica when completed will feature 2 long-distance trails, which represent uninterrupted physical activity related to two sectors – hiking and biking as the main tourist activities….
Adriatic Landscape Interpretation Network
ADRION area is well-established tourism destination with intensive short summer season, but limited tourism in other parts of the year. However, potentials for developing all year tourism destinations are many and natural, cultural, historical heritage sites and local realities can play an important role: this is the main project challenge.
The project area is fragmented on two sides of the Adriatic-Ionian Sea between Italy, Albania and Montenegro and on two sides of Shkodra/Skadar Lake and Buna/Bojana River between Albania and Montenegro. The aim of the project is to establish a long-term active partnership among the relevant stakeholders, via multimodal inland water and maritime transport connections in order to improve connectivity and to facilitate and promote sustainable cross border cooperation in the project area.
(Last update, December 2024)