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Organizational Structure

Organizational Structure

Governing bodies are:

a. Steering Committee (SC)
b. Executive Director (ED)

The advisory board of ADF is the Technical Administrative Council (TAC)

Steering Committee (SC)

SC is the highest decision-making body of the ADF and consists of 11 members.

Executive Director (ED)

The Executive Director is the highest executive authority of ADF. The ED is nominated by a two-thirds majority vote of the Steering Committee members and he is accountable to the SC. The ED is assisted by:

a. Department of Monitoring and Auditing;

b. Executive Secretary.

Technical Administrative Council (TAC): 

The Technical Administrative Council is an advisory board created by the decision of ED and consists of ED and heads of ADF's units and departments.

Matrix structure

ADF is organized in a three-dimensional, matrix format.This division guarantees a proper attention to project / program management and at the same time maintain the quality in all implementation stages. The first structure dimension consists of Functional Units (FUs)whose functions comprise the respective stages of the Projects / Programs. The second structure dimension consists of the Project / Program Management Units (PMUs),which are responsible for managing ADF Projects / Programs. The third structure dimension consists of the Regional Units which are responsible for the representation, coordination and supervision of the programming activities and implementation of ADF projects / programs in the respective areas of regional development.

ADF Departments :

Department of Monitoring and Auditing (DMA):

The Department of Monitoring and Auditing (DMA) assists the Executive Director in daily activities and represents the organization in relation to third parties, including central institutions, local authorities, contractors, partners and various stakeholders. The Department of Monitoring and Auditing (DMA) is headed by the Director of the Department and includes within its structure three units managed by the heads of the units.

a. Internal Audit Unit;

b. Organization Monitoring Unit;

c. Interest Group Relations Unit.

Department of Regional Development (DRD):

The DRD is headed by the Director of the Department (DDRD) and its mission is to guide ADF towards an innovative and efficient regional development system.The DRD includes the following Functional Units:

A. Programming Unit (PU)

b. Project Design and Donor Relations Coordination Unit (PDDRC)

c. Cooperation Projects Management Unit

Department of Infrastructure (DI):

The DI is headed by the Director of the Department (DDI) and includes the following Functional Units:

a. Technical Unit

b. Technical Support Unit

c. Environmental and Social Units

d. Unit for expropriation, permits and delivery of facilities

Department of Finance (DF)

DF is headed by the Director of the Department (DDF). DF manages the ADF's finances, in accordance with the ADF law, the Procedure Manual, the procedures approved by the SC and the criteria set out in the financing agreements. DF performs its functions divided into the following units:

a. Accounting Unit

c. Finance Unit

Legal and Procurement Department (LPD)

Legal and Procurement Department is responsible for providing legal assistance for ADF’s activity, following the procurement phases, goods, consultancy; conclude contracts and make their amendments or changes, as required by their management units; administration and archiving of procurement / contracting procedures files. The LPD is directed by the Director of the Department (DLPD) and performs its functions through the following Functional Units:

a. Legal Unit
b. Procurement Unit

Department of Support Services (DSS)

DSS is responsible for the development of human resources in accordance with the Manual of Procedures and the Labor Code, the development of IT systems for the ADF, and the implementation of logistical support for the ADF. DSS is managed by the Director of the Department (DDSS) and performs its functions through the following Functional Units:

a. Human Resources Unit;

b. Information Technology Unit;

c. Administration Unit;

Projects/Programs Management Department (PMD)

The Projects / Programs Management Department is headed by the Director of PMD and represents a functional unit. PMD consists of Project Management Units, which are not functional units but are created depending on the projects for which the ADF is defined as the implementing agency.

Regional Units (RU):

Regional Units are responsible for the representation, coordination and supervision of the programming and implementation activities of ADF projects / programs in the respective areas of regional development.

A. RU 1 – Shkodra;

b. RU 2 – Tirana;

c. RU 3 – Korca;

d. RU 4 – Vlora.

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