Notification for Award
April 07, 2021 NOTIFICATION FOR AWARD Project name: Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) Assignment title: “Mobility Plan and Detailed Design of Project Investments for…
Project Name: ALBANIA INFRASTRUCTURE AND TOURISM-ENABLING PROGRAMME EBRD Project ID: 49351 Country: Albania Client Name: ADF – Albanian Development Fund ECEPP ID: 15527392 Procurement Exercise Name: Component B1: Reconstruction and…
Notification for Tender
Invitation to Tenderers The Government of Albania represented by the Project Executing Agency has received funds from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through KFW Development Bank (KFW)…
Reconstruction of the road Roskovec Poshnje
CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE Employer: Albanian Development Fund (ADF) Project: Regional and Local Roads Connectivity Project (RLRCP) Contract title: “Reconstruction of the road Roskovec Poshnje” Country: Albania Loan No.: IBRD…
Request for Expressions of Interest
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REOI) (CONSULTING SERVICES) Republic of Albania Albanian Development Fund (ADF) Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) IBRD Loan No: 8656- ALB….
Request for Expressions of Interest
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REOI) (CONSULTING SERVICES) Republic of Albania Albanian Development Fund (ADF) Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) IBRD Loan No: 8656- ALB….
Notification of Shortlisting
March 04, 2021 NOTIFICATION FOR SHORTLIS ESTABLISHED Project name: Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) Assignment title: Consultancy Services for “Events and Events Calendars for…
Ftese per Oferte
FTESË PËR OFERTË SHQIPERI Projekti për Integrimin Urban dhe Zhvillimin e Turizmit Hua nga IBRD: Nr. 8656- ALB Titulli i Kontratës: “Përmirësimi i integruar urban i qytetit të…
Invitation to Tenderers
Invitation to Tenderers The Government of Albania represented by the Project Executing Agency has received funds from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through KFW Development Bank…
Notification for Tender cancellation
Notification for tender cancelation On reference of Tender “Refurbishment of Vat Bushi School Building” we inform that the procedure is cancelled due to some changes to improve Technical Specifications….
Invitation to tenders
Invitation to Tenderers The Government of Albania represented by the Project Executing Agency has received funds from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through KFW Development Bank (KFW)…
One Stage Open Competitive Selection – Request for Proposals
Procurement Notice One Stage Open Competitive Selection – Request for Proposals Tender Name: Infrastructure & Tourism Enabling Programme: Gender and Economic Inclusion Programme Manager Procurement ref.: EBRD/AITP/CS/2020/22 Project name: …