REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REOI) (CONSULTING SERVICES) Republic of Albania Albanian Development Fund (ADF) Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) IBRD Loan No: 8656- ALB….
Invitation to Tenderers
Invitation to Tenderers The Government of Albania represented by the Project Executing Agency has received funds from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through KFW Development Bank…
Notification for Tender
Invitation to Tenderers The Government of Albania represented by the Project Executing Agency has received funds from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through KFW Development Bank…
Design preparation and Supervision for Natural Sites (component A.2 – SO2)
Procurement Notice Two Stage Open Competitive Selection – Invitation to submit Expressions of Interest Tender Name: Design preparation and Supervision for Natural Sites (component A.2 – SO2) Procurement ref.: …
Construction of bridge no. 2, km 7+500, Fier – Seman Road
SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE REQUEST FOR BIDS Small Works (One-Envelope Bidding Process) Employer: Albanian Development Fund (ADF) Project: Regional and Local Roads Connectivity Project (RLRCP) Contract title: “Construction of bridge…
Component B1: Reconstruction and upgrade of the Road Erseke – Leskovik in Korca region
INVITATION FOR Tenders Project Name: ALBANIA INFRASTRUCTURE AND TOURISM-ENABLING PROGRAMME EBRD Project ID: 49351 Country: Albania Client Name: ADF – Albanian Development Fund ECEPP ID: 15959666 Procurement Exercise Name:…
Ftese per Oferte
FTESË PËR OFERTË SHQIPERI Projekti për Integrimin Urban dhe Zhvillimin e Turizmit Hua nga IBRD: Nr. 8656- ALB Titulli i Kontratës: “Zbatimi i masave paraprake për adresimin e shqetësimeve…
Design preparation & Supervision for Culturale/Heritage sites
Procurement Notice Two Stage Open Competitive Selection – Invitation to submit Expressions of Interest Tender Name: Design preparation & Supervision for Culturale/Heritage sites (component A – SO2) Procurement ref.: …
Design Validation and Supervision Services for Municipal and Transport Infrastructure
Procurement Notice Two Stage Open Competitive Selection – Invitation to submit Expressions of Interest Tender Name: Design Validation and Supervision Services for Municipal and Transport Infrastructure. (component B –…
Rehabilitation of secondary road in touristic area Plepa – Golem
SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE REQUEST FOR BIDS Small Works (One-Envelope Bidding Process) Employer: Albanian Development Fund (ADF) Project: Regional and Local Roads Connectivity Project (RLRCP) Contract title: “Rehabilitation of secondary…
CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE Project Name: “Integrated urban upgrading of Berat/package no. 1 – Gorica”, Ref. No.: AL – ADF – 221470 – CW – RFB Name of each…
Notification for Award
April 09, 2021 NOTIFICATION FOR AWARD Project name: Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) Assignment title: “Detailed Designs and Construction Supervision for Infrastructure for Viewpoints…