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Extension of ViP Dinarica in the CBC Region Albania – Kosova

1.     Project Summary

ViP Dinarica is 600km extension of recently established 310km long Via Dinarica in CB region of MNE and BiH (, running east from Durmitor National Park (MNE) into Kosovo and Albania. ViP Dinarica when completed will feature 2 long-distance trails, which represent uninterrupted physical activity related to two sectors – hiking and biking as the main tourist activities. Thus, the proposed Action aims at integrating the project covered areas into this massive touristic region through. Supplementing traditional products and the unique cultural heritage will be the main elements of the tourist package to be developed for the area. By bringing Kosovo and Albania on board and comprising around 1000km through 4 countries, this mega trail will be a step towards the world’s must-do treks like the Via Alpina, Himalayas, Inca Trail or the Rockies, providing new opportunities on each side of the border. The Overall Objective (OO) is to enhance cross-border (CB) economic activities through unique sustainable tourism models based on natural, traditional and cultural values, while bringing forth common characteristics of the region. In order to achieve the OO, the Action will strive to achieve the following Specific Objectives (SO): SO1: Further development of ViP Dinarica long-distance trail and enriching tourism offer that links mountain communities and tourism stakeholders in target region for valorization of unique natural wealth & cultural-historic heritage; SO2: Raise awareness on economic, environmental & social benefits of long-distance trails, increase attractiveness and competitiveness of the tourist offer in project covered area; SO3. Increase attractiveness of the area for visitors through small-scale interventions and effective promotion and marketing of the destination. As ViP Dinarica is highly reliant on the goodwill & hospitality of the ‘hosts’ and the community’s responsiveness for new product development, the project team has strategically determined the course of action, adopting fully participatory approach involving all stakeholder groups. High quality tourism destination management will be applied through mobilization of stakeholders in process of detailed assets mapping throughout area encompassing cultural, environmental /nature, accommodation, leisure assets, etc. It will be complemented with capacity building for local stakeholders relevant to the tourism chain and enable them market access followed by highest quality promotion and marketing.

2.     Information

Call: Cross-border Cooperation Programme Albania- Kosovo* under the Instrument of Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II) allocations for 2014-2015

Project Acronym: ViP Dinarica

Project Number: 23

Specific objective: Tourism, cultural and natural heritage are valorized as a way to promote the economic development of the area.

Start – End Date: 2018-03-16 – 2020-03-15

Total budget: EUR 444,683.38

EU contribution: 377,981.87

3.     Project Partners


  • Community Development Fund – Kosova


  • Albanian Development Fund

4.     Contact for Albanian Partner

Albanian Development Fund

Contact: Ylli Take


5.     Activities

  • Trails marking training
  • Biking Guide training
  • Fam Tour Kosove
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