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“Community Works IV: Development of the Albanian Alps and Coastal Areas”

Budget: 36.7 million Euro excluding VAT

Implementation period : 2015 – 2020

Funding:  CEB, WBIF, Government of Albania and the beneficiary LGUs

Geographical coverage:  South Coast, Albanian Alps, 5 Counties (Vlora, Gjirokastra, Dibra, Kukes, Shkodra),6 municipalities (Himara, Vlora, Gjirokastra, Mat, Puka, Tropoja);

Beneficiaries: 120 mijë banorë

Objective: Promote sustainable socio-economic development in high tourist potential areas, through improvement of integrated public infrastructure while respecting environment and preserving cultural and historical heritage.

General overview

Project objective:

Objektivi i projektit Punët në Komunitet IV – “Zhvillimi i Alpeve Shqiptare dhe Zonës Bregdetare” është të nxisë zhvillimin e qëndrueshëm social-ekonomik në komunitetet me potencial të lartë turistik, nëpërmjet përmirësimit të infrastrukturës së integruar publike duke respektuar ambientin dhe ruajtur trashëgiminë kulturore dhe historike.


Project components:

  • investment in infrastructure and local public services( re-qualification of urban roads, water supply, sewerage, urban waste management, etc.);
  • technical assistance & capacity building (feasibility studies, local strategy preparation, project design, training).


This project of a value Euro 36.7 mln, is co-funded by the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), Albanian Government, beneficiary LGUs, WBIF.

"Funding include € 28.7 million loan from the Council of Europe Development Bank(CEB), € 1 million grant from Social Dividend Account (SDA), € 6 million from Albanian Government and beneficiary LGUs, and € 1 million grant from WBIF, an initiative funded by the European Union, for Alps Master Plan. It is anticipated that two-thirds of program's cost will be invested in the South Coast area and one - third in the Albanian Alps area.

The agreement between the Albanian Government and CEB on this project was signed on May 21, 2015 and ratified by the Parliament on July 2, 2015. The project, according to the agreement, was launched in the last quarter of 2015 and is expected to be completed in September 2020.



Civil works completed regarding infrastructure component:

  • Reconstruction of Ulza Road
  • Restoration of facades and requalification of Gjirokastra center;
  • Construction of a tourism Center in Valbona;
  • Urban requalification of Tamara (second phase) and road reconstruction in Vermosh;
  • Urban and environmental requalification of the center and Lake Puka, Phases I & II;
  • Urban reuqualification in Himara municipality, Phase I & II;
  • Urban re-qualification of coastal areas in Jale and Dhermi villages;
  • Urban requalification in Dhermi village;
  • Urban requalification in Vuno village;
  • Reconstruction of Kanina road;
  • Urban requalification in the municipality of Vlora, I & II phase;
  • Rikonstruksionin e rrugës Port – Pylli i Sodës;
  • Reconstruction of "Ismail Qemali" Boulevard;
  • Reconstruction of rain water drainage system in the area including the neighborhoods Hajro Cakerri, 4 Heronjte, 28 Nentori, Vlore;
  • Urban requalification and construction of tourism center in Vermosh;
  • Construction of emergency center Palase, rehabilitation of the torrent and parking area in Dhermi village;
  • Rehabilitimi i fasadave përgjatë Bulevardit të Vlorës;

Bidding procedures have been completed in all objects in the implementation phase, and have been concluded the contracts for the supervision of works. ADF is maximally committed to complete the works within the terms of contracts. Summer season found these areas with a transformed infrastructure.

Regarding the component of technical assistance and capacity building we are working on studies for Local Government Units.


(Përditësimi i fundit, Shtator 2020)

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