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Rural Water Supply Program

Budget: 102.58 million Euro

Implementation period : 2008 – 2024

Funding:German Development Bank (KfW), Government of Albania (GoA) and European Union (EU)

Geographical coverage:  9 counties, 51 Administrative Units, 162 villages/cities

Beneficiaries: 215 thousand inhabitants

Number of funded schemes: 64

Objective: The project aims to supply locals with hygienically clean water and provide acceptable fees for customers. This will be achieved through new water supply schemes. This program is one of the most serious initiatives of recent years.

The challenge

After the political and socio- economic changes in the 1990 in Albania, transfer of responsibilities for water supply and sanitation services passed from the central government to local government units. However, water supply in rural areas has been largely neglected for many years. As a result, the existing water supply networks are not efficient due to the lack of sustainable management capacities, including inadequate water access and poor water quality. Another factor causing this situation is the lack of maintenance and good management.


The Albanian Government, considering the difficult situation of the rural water supply systems undertook some reforms in the water supply and sewerage sector.

The main objective of the reforms:

Taking into account long-term and sustainable plans with the purpose of improving performance indicators and fulfilling obligations towards customers, decentralization process and further commercialization of the water supply and sewage system intended to make companies self-sustaining.

On the first phase, program’s contract was signed in December 2007 and the second phase took place in December 2008. The Program is implemented by the Albanian Development Fund, which consists in the rehabilitation and reconstruction of rural water supply schemes, including the construction of sewer systems in some special cases.

The program is divided into several projects and constitutes one of the most serious initiatives of recent years, which aims to improve the water supply in rural areas. This program has so far reached a total funding of 102.58 million euro. Through this program, it is predicted to benefit more than 215 thousand inhabitants in rural areas, enabling the supply of potable water. Rural Water Supply is a program co-financed by the GoA, the KfW, and the EU.


Implementation period
Funding Euro(million)
Project Participating Counties
Beneficiary population (No of Inhabitants)
No. of Villages
Kukes, Dibra, Shkodra
Kukes, Dibra, Shkodra
All counties of Albania
2019 – 2024
Vlora (Municipality of Himara)
80,000 inhabitants and tourists


Rural Water Supply Program (RWSP) III, following RWSP I & II.
General overview

In recent years, although Albania has increased the quality of services, water supply sector remains among the most problematic, especially in rural areas. Since 1988, GoA has been working with the German Government to support the water supply and sanitation sector in rural areas.

Rural Water Supply is a Program co-financed by the GoA, the KfW, and the EU. Since the beginning of this economic cooperation and until today, the German Federal Government has provided a support worth more than 1 billion euro.

Objective: Improve living conditions of locals in rural areas and support the economic development through the improvement of potable water supply in these areas.

Beneficiaries: 75,000 inhabitants

Funding : Euro 39.97 Million
Banka Gjermane për Zhvillim (KfW) me 25.5 milionë euro, Bashkimi Evropian përmes IPA 2013 me 9.8 milionë Euro si dhe Qeveria Shqiptare me 4 milionë Euro. Në këtë kuadër me financim nga WBIF në shumën 670,000 Euro, gjatë periudhës Nëntor 2015 – Maj 2016, u hartuan fizibilitetet teknike dhe sociale.Në fund të këtij procesi u administruan 252 aplikime nga 59 bashki. Përgatitja e fizibiliteteve teknike, sociale dhe mjedisore ka përfunduar për 30 skema, nga të cilat 19 prej tyre kanë rezultuar fizibël. KfW ka dhënë miratimin për 18 skemat e para dhe ndërkohë disa skema të tjera rezervë parashikohet të financohen nga ky projekt.

Geographical coverage: This program will be rolled out to all rural areas of the country.

Implementation period : 2015-2021.

  • LOT I, completed on September 15, 2020.
  • LOT II, work process completed on September 25, 2020.
  • Për Lot III, Punimet kanë përfunduar në 06 Prill 2022
  • Për Lotin IV, Punimet kanë përfunduar në 26.04.2021

Main component of the program;

  1. Prepare a Feasibility Study based on the needs of the beneficiaries
  2. Design of water schemes according to EU standards
  3. Construction of water supply infrastructure and emergency sewerage measures;
  4. Training of technical and financial staff for water supply operation and maintenance;
  5. Monitoring and maintenance activities two years after fulfillment of the works

"Rural Water Supply Program IV",

Objective: The main objective of the project is to improve and ensure sustainable access to potable water for inhabitants and tourists at acceptable water supply fee. The project will ensure adequate sanitary conditions through the sewerage system, collection and wastewater treatment and improvement of capacity management. This project will improve living conditions and will promote tourism development in the region.

Beneficiaries: 80,000 inhabitants and tourists

Funding Euro 45.15 million
German Development Bank (KfW), WBIF, Albanian Government.

Geographical coverage: This program will extend to Himara and Orikum area.

Implementation period : 2019-2023.

RWSP IV foresees integrated intervention in the Municipality of Himara with a funding value of about 45.15 million Euro. This project includes the area of the city of Himara, the villages of Kuç, Buronje (near Kuç), Pilur, Kudhes, Vuno, Jal, Livadhi, Himara Fshat, Qeparo.

At the same time, the project foresees a study for the sewer system, interventions for the water supply system in Orikum, extension of the sewer system in the AU of Orikum, and other additional measures for the operation of the existing plant in Orikum.

The Feasibility Study for Orikum was approved by KfW in May 2019. The agreement became effective on 14.08.2019.

The implementation of RWSP IV is as follows:

Lot 1, "Construction of the water intake and transmission line from Lepusha to Himara”,”,  Parashikohet që punimet te fillojne me zbardhejn e lejes se ndertimit në muajin Tetor 2022.

Lot 2, ““Water Distribution network for the following villages Borsh, Qeparo, Himare ,Jale,Vuno, Livadh and the city of Himara”.”. Është lidhur kontrata e zbatimit të punimeve, pritet leja e ndërtimit e cila do të lëshohet nga Bashkia Himarë pasi të merret miratimi nga AZHT dhe në MIE për ndërtimin e HEC-ve. Gjithashtu pritet të përfundojë procesi i shpronësimeve në zonën ITUN, që të mundësohet fillimi i punimeve.

Lot 3,“Construction of the Wasterwater treatment Plant in Himara.”.”. Eshte lidhur kontrata me firmën zbatuese, bashkia duhet të leshojë lejën e ndërtimit dhe të bëjë shpronësimin në zonën e ndëritmit të impiantit të trajtimit të ujërave të ndotura, në menyrë që ti hapet rrugë fillimit të punimeve.

Lot 4, ", “Commissioning of the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Orikum, rehabilitation of the water supply network and KUZ Orikum””. Kontrata e zbatimit është nënshkruar me operatorin dhe jemi në pritje të zbardhjes së lejës së ndërtimit nga ana e bashkisë Vlorë.

(Përditësimi i fundit, Korrik 2022)


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