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Strengthening and empowering of cross border innovation networks through Fertilization Innovation Labs in Agro-food for improving the connection between research and SMEs (EIP Approach)

1.     Project Summary

The common challenge is to foster agro-food micro and SMEs innovation level. SME innovation is one of the major drivers for common challenge competitiveness, employment, especially young people, introduction of new products to market and access to international markets. The innovation system of this area is weak. The common challenge of FILA project is to create a “cross border Innovation ecosystem” to reinforce the link between enterprises and research.  The main overall objective is the creation of overall objective cross-border “Fertilization and Innovation Labs in Agro-food – FILA”. FILA Labs are open “innovation environments” which will favour cooperation among actors of the innovation systems (Business support organizations, SME’s, Research centres, business angels), to improve access to research results for enterprises, thus stimulating the creation of innovative solutions and further investment in innovation, to support Start UPs. The expected change is to enhance the innovation level of SMEs through the support given by FILA Labs to at least 50 OG for innovation according to EIP approach (European Innovation Partnership, Reg. UE 1305/2013). The main outputs will be: T1 Fertilization Innovation Lab in Agro-food model; T2, 3 FILA Labs realized in Albania main outputs (Korçe – ADF), in Montenegro (Niksic – Tehnopolis), in Apulia (Bari – CIHEAM) based on FILA model which are open equipped environments to favour knowledge transfer and collaboration between SMEs and scientific institutions (OG); T3 Cross-border network among FILAs, open to other institutions and organizations. The approach is based on participatory and collaborative approach methods. An ecosystem approach to delivery will be followed focusing on mobilising demand, diffusion of innovation and deepening the dialogue between different actors of innovation chain. Cross-border cooperation approach brings added value compared to a national approach with more opportunities for SMEs.

2.     Information


Project Acronym: FILA

Project Number: 19

Specific Objective:  Enhance the framework conditions for the development of SME’s crossborder market.

Start – End Date: 2018-04-01 – 2020-12-31

Total budget: EUR 1,044,547.80

Eu Contribution: IPA co-financing 85%

3.     Project Partners


Centre International de Hautes Etudes Agronomiques Méditerranéennes – Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari (Italy)


  • Regione Puglia (Italy)
  • Albanian Development Fund (Albania)
  • Albanian Investment Development Agency (Albania)
  • Inovaciono Preduzetnički Centar Tehnopolis (Montenegro)
  • Direkcija za razvoj malih i srednjih preduzeća (Montenegro)

Associated Partner:

  • Ministria e Bujqesise dhe Zhvillimit Rural (Albania)
  • Ministarstvo poljoprivrede i ruralnog razvoja Crne Gore (Montenegro)

4.     Contact for Albanian Partner

Albanian Development Fund

Contact: Emi Dautaj


5.   Link of Project Website and Social Media




5.     Activities

FILA, Kick off Meeting on 12 and 13 June in Bari


The objective of the two-year project FILA is to strengthen and empower cross border innovation networks through Fertilization Innovation Labs in Agrofood for improving the connection between research and SMEs (EIP approach). The kick off meeting will take place on 12 and 13 June 2018 at CIHEAM Bari (Italy).

FILA project is financed by the Interreg IPA Cross border Cooperation Programme “Italy-Albania- Montenegro”, established with the intent of boosting IPA cooperation in the lower Adriatic Seas, and facilitating the exchange of knowledge among regional and local stakeholders from the three countries.

FILA, international workshop on 30 October in Bari


This initiative is part of the activities of the FILA Project (Strengthening and empowering of cross-border innovation networks through Fertilization Innovation Labs in Agro-food for improving the connection between research and SMEs (EIP approach), funded under the Interreg IPA CBC  Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme and  set up with the aim of strengthening cooperation in the lower Adriatic Sea area and facilitating the exchange of knowledge between regional and local stakeholders of the three countries.

13 December 2018 – Consortium Meeting in Tirana

The first Consortium Meeting of FILA – Fertilization Innovation Labs in Agro-food project was held in Tirana on 13th of December, with the participation of representatives from each partner.

This event was organised by AIDA and aimed at analyzing and monitoring the project progress and the upcoming activities.


18 February 2019 – Workshop on building up the FILA lab model – Albania

The meeting concluded a list of current needs of innovation actors that will be materialized in solutions throughout the implementation process of the FILA lab. Representative of ADF also briefed participants on the importance of the European Innovation Partnership and the preparation of operational groups in the field of innovation in agrofood, with a view to fostering innovation and interaction between innovation actors at local and national level.


5 March 2019 – The 2nd Workshop of FILA’s three livinglab in Korca, organized by ADF Korce Regional Office

This workshop gathered farmers, academics, local authorities and businesses, aiming at identifying new ideas and solutions for new opportunities in technology transfer in the agrofood sector.

‘Korca Living Lab’ is being developed in a creative, experimental and innovative space, where stakeholders of different interests and experiences can collaborate.


16 April 2019 – The third workshop of Livinglabs in Korça

The third workshop of living lab in Korça, aiming at analyzing and discussing with innovation actors the results of previous workshops, in order to build an interactive & participatory FILA model of knowledge transfer, based on the EIP-AGRI approach.

The event was attended by a special guest Mr. Pacome Elouna Eyenga, team leader of EIP-AGRI Service Point, who presented the EIP Network in Agriculture, funded and managed by EU, which brings together innovation actors at EU level.


11 JUNE 2019 – FILA Project Mid-term Steering Committee and Consortium meeting

The mid-term Steering Committee and Consortium meeting of FILA Project were held in Niksic, Montenegro on 11 June. In the first part of the day, the partners held the mid-term steering committee, following the first steering committee organized in Bari, Italy.


12 JUNE 2019 – Sharing FILA Model

The FILA technology transfer model in the agrifood sector was shared on the second meeting, representing the first output of the project.

After an introduction that aimed at giving an overview of the project approach referring to EIP-Agri approach, the situation of knowledge and technology transfer of each program area was presented by project partners Tehnopolis, ADF and Apulia Region.


3 July 2020 First seminar “Community of Practice”

Today, the Albanian Development Fund (PP3) organized the first workshop of “Community of Practice” outdoors in the first social farm in Region no.3 (Albania) where the small business, experts and researchers form local institutions and young innovators discussed and shared practical experience on a common challenge for all: “Working Together Towards Organic Agriculture”. The meeting was facilitated by the Social Farm “Emmanuel and friends”.


10 July 2020 Second seminar “Community of Practice”

The Albanian Development Fund organised a second workshop with the topic: “How to create chains between innovation actors for promoting local typical products in order to attract as many tourists as possible – in this critical moment for the local economy”. The small business, experts, researchers form local institutions and young innovators shares the experience and discussed on a common challenge related to processing agriculture.


17 July 2020 Third seminar “Community of Practice”

The Albanian Development Fund organised the third workshop for the activity “Community of Practice”, where experts, start-ups and local SMEs shared experience and ideas about new perspectives in agrifood sector, discussing about “Business and social innovations in agriculture and local food markets, related to sustainable production and consumption of local food”.


1 October 2020 – 5 days Capacity Building Activity for Innovation Brokers in Albania

“5 days Capacity Building Activity for Innovation Brokers in Albania” in the implementation of the FILA project “Strengthening and empowering of cross border innovation networks through Fertilization Innovation Labs in Agro-food for improving the connection between research and SMEs (EIP approach)” was organized in Korça.

 11 December 2020  The Final Consortium meeting and Steering committee 

The 4th Consortium meeting and Steering committee of the project FILA – Strengthening and empowering of cross border innovation networks through Fertilization Innovation Labs in Agro-food for improving the connection between research and SMEs (EIP Approach) – was held on Zoom on 11 December 2020 with the participation of al project partners, including the project staff from ADF.


The Final event of Fila project was held on 18 December 2020 in the webinar: “EUROPEAN INNOVATION PARTNERSHIP: COMPARING EXPERIENCES OF THE REGIONS AND PERSPECTIVES FOR PROGRAMMING 2021-27”. At the Italian and European level, the experience of the European Partnership for Innovation – EIP “Productivity and Sustainability of Agriculture” (EIP-AGRI) is coming to an end. Through the support to the establishment and management of operational groups (OG) and the consequent projects pilot (PSR 2014-20, Measures 16.1 and 16.2) EIP AGRI approach has contributed to increasing the synergies between companies, researchers, technicians, and other subjects for the introduction of innovative solutions.

23 December –   October – December 2020, “Incubation Pilot action of startups”

The incubation pilot action was realized in Korça, at the FILA lab. This activity aimed at transferring knowledge and skills for business creation and change in the agro-food sector, by using the FILA model FILA Labs, tools and competences. The path was structured into collective moments and individual interventions starting from the needs of knowledge and competence of young innovators mapped by coaches. This allowed to realize the accompanying paths as knowledge shared labs, aimed at responding to the needs of young innovators who met experts, researchers and entrepreneurs in the daily sessions of traditional lectures followed by practical applications on their projects, even though co-working.


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