Contract Award
Notification of award for consultancy: “Project coordinator /Individual Consultant Services”/REF No: AL-ADF-281966-CS-INDV Date of publication of expression of interest: March 7, 2022 Deadline for submission of CV: March 21,…
Standard advertisement for local publication of local open tender procedures
Standard advertisement for local publication of local open tender procedures Rehabilitation of Shkodra pier. ALMONIT-MTC-WP T1-IW-2 Albanian Development Fund intends to award a work contract for Rehabilitation of Shkodra pier…
Request for Expression of Interest
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REoI) (Consultant Services) – Tourism Expert Albanian Development Fund Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) IBRD Loan No: 8656- ALB. Project ID…
Contract Award
CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE Contract Name: “Saranda Tourism Gateway Integrated urban upgrading”, Ref. No. Nr. ref. AL-ADF-310473-CW-RFP Name of each tenderer who submitted a Tender “Fusha p.k. “Alb…
Contract Award
CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE Contract Name: “Revitalization of the square “Çerçiz Topulli –Gjirokastër”; Ref. No. Nr. ref. AL-ADF-310132-CW-RFB Name of each tenderer who submitted a Tender JV “Progeen”…
Ftesë pë ofertë
FTESË PËR OFERTË SHQIPERI Projekti për Integrimin Urban dhe Zhvillimin e Turizmit Hua nga IBRD: Nr. 8656- ALB Titulli i Kontratës: “Punimet Civile për: “Infrastruktura për pikat…
CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE Employer: Albanian Development Fund (ADF) Project: Regional and Local Roads Connectivity Project (RLRCP) Contract title: “Road safety improvements works” Country: Albania Loan No.: IBRD loan 8850-AL…
CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE Implementing Agency: Albanian Development Fund Country: Albania Project: Regional and Local Roads Connectivity Project (RLRCP) (Project No. P163239) Loan No.: 8850-AL Assignment Title: “Development of a Regional and Local Road Network…
CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE Implementing Agency: Albanian Development Fund Country: Albania Project: Regional and Local Roads Connectivity Project (RLRCP) (Project No. P163239) Loan No.: 8850-AL Assignment Title: “Building New Rural…
Invitations to Bid
Invitation for Bids Albania Albanian Development Fund (ADF) Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD): “Saranda Tourism Gateway Integrated urban upgrading” Lot 1 Loan…