Programi i Edukimit dhe Ndërgjegjësimit “Miqtë e Ujit”, 2021
Shoqata Ujësjellës Kanalizime e Shqipërisë (SHUKALB) ka filluar zbatimin e programit “Miqtë e Ujit”. Programi për këtë vit zhvillohet me mbështetjen e programit “Masat Shoqëruese të Furnizimit me Ujë RWSP…
ADF in defence of the cultural monuments on the City of Gjirokastra
Gjirokastra’s castle is a monument with unique architectural values, which holds remarkable evidence of the diversity of ancient societies and lifestyles in the Balkan Region. Nowadays, these elements are extinct but are values which made it part of the World Heritage (UNESCO) since 2005.
Permet welcomes more tourists in 2021!
The Tourism Office at the Municipality of Permeti announces that the number of tourists who have visited Permet from January until the end of October was around 37 thousand, of which 15 thousand were foreign and 22 thousand locals.
The next project in Fier
Construction of Darzeza’s Automobile Bridge The ADF is following its project to build new bridges, which includes reconstruction and works for one of the bridges in the same place, where the existing Bailey bridge is located...
Reconstruction of "Sabri Kosturi" street in Lushnja
In context of the recent urban and economic developments of Lushnja, the constraction of segment starting from the highway Lushnje-Fier to the road “Vath Korrershi” road began, which is also known as “Sabri Ksoturi” road. Due to its impact in the city, ...
Work in progress in Gjirokastra Bypass
Currently, 50% of work is completed The Dunavat area, which was previously “isolated” not only because of infrastructural depreciation but also it presented considerable risks for its inhabitants in terms of landslide, is turning into a new attraction pole within Gjirokastra...
Towards completion the touristic road Shkafane-Lalez-Ishem
The Adminstrative Unit (AU) of Ishem is part of the Municipality of Durres, which includes 10 villages (Kuraten Shkafane, Lalez, Likmetaj, Kertushaj, Kapidanaj, Gjuricaj, Rrotull, Draç, Bize and Shetaj). The area is located in the north-western part of the...
Towards completion systemization of neighbourhoods’ number 4, 5 and 6 at the municipality of Kukes
The city of Kukes is situated in the north-eastern part of Albania and has a population of about 59,393 inhabitants. In close support and cooperation with residents, the systemization of these neighbourhoods revitalizes the area...
Albanian Development Fund in support of sustainable economic development
The Xara village in Konispol, which is located in the southern part of Albania, leads the production of citrus in the country. There are counted about 500 ha of cultivated land with different varieties of orange, tangerines, lemons and citrus.