Works in progress: “Systemization of the 'Perroi i Llixhave', 'Ura e Pazarit – Llixha' and Urban Requalification of the Area"
Currently, 50% of works for rehabilitation of the entire area are completed. In this context, Albanian Development Fund in cooperation with Dibra Municipality as well as in accordance with continuous requests of inhabitants, ...
The new tourism building, Korca
Logistics and more options in function of optimal services in tourism According to statistics, the city of Korca continues to remain among the favorite tourist destinations.
Drejt zgjidhjes logjistika për shërbimet administrative, Bashkia Divjakë
Në progres punimet “Ndërtimin e godinës së re, Bashkia Divjakë” ku deri më tani janë realizuar rreth 70% e punimeve në terren. Më parë godina ekzistuese e kësaj Bashkie…
Progress of works for the security of structures in Gjirokastra Castle
About 40% of the works for the intervention "Implementation of precautionary measures for addressing urgent security concerns and preventing the loss of heritage structures in Gjirokastra Castle" have been completed.
Back to normality for about 2 thousand inhabitants and further development of coastal area, Fier
The Albanian Development Fund through financing of the Albanian Government has implemented the project on construction of Darzeza’s Bridge with all necessary parameters and it is also constructing the “Great Bridge” (referred as the Seman Bridge) part of the Fier-Seman road. The latter is expected to be completed in a few months, giving tourists access to frequent tourist areas.
Konsultim me Publikun-Bashkia Shkodër
Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit dhe Bashkia Shkodër, në kuadër të Projektit “Albanian Infrastructure and Tourism Project” (AITP), me financim nga Banka Europiane për Rindërtim dhe Zhvillim (BERZH) dhe Qeveria Shqiptare,…
Works for Integrated Urban Development and Tourism are continuing at a good pace, Permet Municipality
The Albanian Development Fund, through its interventions in different areas of the country, intends their further socio-economic development, which is realized in close combination of all consequent elements, including cooperation with key actors and community involvement ...
Towards completion “Revitalization of the facades in the center of Dimal city and the road segment in connection of the center with the promenade around the river Osum”
The Albanian Development Fund is on the way to totally complete rehabilitation of facades in the city as well as the segment is in the process of asphalting, which will enable continuation with promenade along the river.
Towards completion reconstruction of Roskovec – Poshnje road
At the construction site of the new road “Roskovec - Poshnje”, workers are carrying out and making last reviews as they are successfully concluding another axis, which facilitates traffic for residents, farmers and businesses of Berat, Roskovec and Fier.
On The Spot Checks for projects financed under Grant Scheme on Regional Development and Cohesion
During April-May 2022, RDPA and ADF have performed 8 On-The-Spot-Check visits to the projects’ locations which will be financed by the Grant Scheme on Regional Development and Cohesion.