Specific Procurement Notice
Specific Procurement Notice Request for Bids – Small Works (One-Envelope Bidding Process) Country: Albania Name of Project: Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) Contract Title: “Integrated Urban Upgrading of Ksamil Touristic sites and adjacent areas…
Specific Procurement Notice
Specific Procurement Notice Request for Bids (Goods) Procurement of “Goods for support municipal services by improving traffic management issues” RFB No: AL-ADF-462102-GO-RFB Project: Project for Integrated Urban and…
Specific Procurement Notice
Specific Procurement Notice Request for Bids Small Works (One-Envelope Bidding Process) Country: Albania Name of Project: Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) Contract Title: Site Management, Interpretive,…
Special Procurement Notice
Specific Procurement Notice Request for Bids Small Works (One-Envelope Bidding Process) Country: Albania Name of Project: Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) Contract Title: Integrated Urban Upgrading…
Specific Procurement Notice
Specific Procurement Notice Request for Bids Small Works (One-Envelope Bidding Process) Country: Albania Name of Project: Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) Contract Title: Integrated Urban Upgrading of…
Specific Procurement Notice
Specific Procurement Notice Request for Bids Small Works (One-Envelope Bidding Process) Country: Albania Name of Project: Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) Contract Title: Civil Works for…
Invitation For Tenders
Invitation For Tenders Project Name: ALBANIA INFRASTRUCTURE AND TOURISM-ENABLING PROGRAMME EBRD Project ID: 49351 Country: Albania Client Name: ADF – Albanian Development Fund ECEPP ID: 34365610 Procurement Exercise Name: Develop…
Invitation for Tenders
Invitation For Tenders Project Name: ALBANIA INFRASTRUCTURE AND TOURISM-ENABLING PROGRAMME EBRD Project ID: 49351 Country: Albania Client Name: ADF – Albanian Development Fund ECEPP ID: 34201174 Procurement Exercise Name: Urban…
Invitation for Tenders
Invitation for Tenders Project Name: ALBANIA INFRASTRUCTURE AND TOURISM-ENABLING PROGRAMME EBRD Project ID: 49351 Country: Albania Client Name: ADF – Albanian Development Fund ECEPP ID: 34201425 Procurement Exercise Name: Municipal…
Consultation with the Public and Interest Groups - "Strengthening the tourist attraction of Berat Castle through the improvement of tourist access"
Njoftim Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit dhe Bashkia Berat në kuadër të Projektit “Fuqizimi i atraksionit turistik të kalasë së Beratit përmes përmirësimit të aksesit turisitk”, me financim nga Banka Europiane…