About 40% of works have been completed.

The city of Vlora is is being transformed. The Water Front project combines the main projects around the area and creates a strong, powerful identity, while the other project aimed at preserving heritage and history, creates a central point of the city of Vlora.

Currently, works are focused on fillings works, greenery, concreting works, etc. Meanwhile, works are continuing for leveling system with gravel and stabilizer for the alleys and concreting works for the gallery and the square.

The intervention extended to 5 points includes:

  1. Museum of Independence
  2. "Isa Boletini" Square
  3. Elements along "Isa Boletini" Square
  4. Port
  5. "Independence" Square

Through this investment, the Museum of Independence acquires other values and is positioned visually closer to the visitors, whose premises are visited every day by many citizens. The works facilitate access and rehabilitate the surrounding area with better urban conditions.

2 / 3. "Isa Boletini" square is an important point of the city not only for the inhabitants of Vlora but also for visitors and tourists. This strategic point positioned by the sea and closely connected with the Lungomare Project, the Trans-Balkan Road and "Ismail Qemali" Boulevard appeared earlier chaotic, with a typology of different buildings such as residential buildings, hotels, restaurants, etc. The project aims to create an attractive central park characterized by a sequence of public spaces (green and mineral) that cater to the different needs of a developing city like Vlora and also restore uniformity.

4. The Port of Vlora is the second largest in the country and is considered part of the Master Plan of Lungomare in Vlora. The second Trans-Balkan Road or Cultural Corridor, which has been completed, is being added to the second segment starting from the existing road to the port. In the port part is being converted and the restriction indicating the closure of the promenade and the immediate exit to the shore will be removed creating a complete line of investment in the coastal town.

5. The "Independence" square is surrounded by streets: "Kosova", "Pelivan Leskaj" and is a key point of "Ismail Qemali" Boulevard. The strategic position of this roundabout is a reference point for the most important roads of the city of Vlora.

The "Independence" square has a considerable flow of cars and pedestrians and is very important for residents and visitors of Vlora as it makes possible the connection with the Trans-Balkan road, and is the main discharge point of all the flow coming from the Boulevard and enables access to the Riviera. Vlora.