About the project
The Integrated Urban and Tourism Development Project marks an important step for citizens, combining the urban reality of the country with the tourism sector in the Albanian economy.
Financed by the World Bank and the Albanian Government, this project that reaches a financing of , 63.8 milion euro, aims to:
1. Improve urban infrastructure
2. Increase the value of tourism assets
3. Strengthen the institutional capacity in line with recent socio-economic developments
related to tourism
The project activities will take place in the cities/towns of Berat, Gjirokastra, Permet and Saranda, but some of them will take place in other tourism destinations which will fulfill the Southern Albania itinerary.
The project is classified as category B according to World Bank guidelines, which means that interventions in its framework should not have permanent negative environmental and social impacts. Works will mostly consist in rehabilitation of existing structures.
I. Urban development and infrastructure improvement
(EURO 44.3 million)
II. Development of touristic centers
(EURO 8.4 million)
III. Tourism market and product development
(EURO 7.7 million)
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Rehabilitation of “Muzak Topia” road to Berat Castle
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Rehabilitation of “Muzak Topia” road to Berat Castle
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