Janë realizuar rreth 40% e punimeve për ndërhyrjen “Zbatimi i masave paraprake per adresimin e shqetësimeve urgjente për sigurinë dhe parandalimin e humbjes së strukturave të trashëgimisë në Kalanë e Gjirokastres”.

Package 1 of the Gjirokastra Castle works includes the following components, which will be implemented during the contract period:

  1. Geological interventions
  2. Structural interventions

The regeneration project of the area has firstly identified degradation of Gjirokastra Castle and has determined appropriate interventions in order to restore its authentic historic landscape. The main focus of the intervention is on the Gjirokastra Castle and will include restoration of the historic center.

Package 2 of the Gjirokastra Castle works includes the following components, which will be implemented during the contract period:

  1. Architectural / Electrical Conservation
  2. Architectural / Mechanical Conservation
  3. Architectural Conservation / Water Management

Package 3 of the Gjirokastra Castle works includes the following sub-project, which will be implemented during the contract period:

  1. Roof of the museum

In the following, you can find a more detailed list of works:

Package I / Geological Interventions

  • Installation of temporary security barriers
  • Soil stabilization
  • Tree clearing/herbicide application
  • Site cleaning and its preparation
  • Installation of anchors
  • Cavity injection under tower A
  • Support of foundations of walls and bases of conglomerates
  • Triple twist mesh anchorage
  • Massive concrete filling
  • Injection of joints with grouting

Package I / Structural Interventions

  • Consolidation of Tower A
  • Reconstruction of masonry
  • Consolidation of wall covering
  • Replacement of architraves
  • Consolidation of masonry on the ramp
  • Emergency stabilization on the independent walls of the lower terraces
  • Emergency stabilization of structure A18

Packages II and III

  • Masonry seams using fiberglass
  • Provision of inflated masonry walls on the ramp
  • Wall restoration up to 3 m
  • Land restoration
  • Interior restoration
  • Preservation of structures
  • Rehabilitation
  • Museum roof works
  • Archaeological excavation
  • Electrical installations
  • Mechanical works
  • Rainwater system
  • Heating and ventilation system