Towards completion Darzeza’s Bridge, Fier

Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit përmes financimit nga Qeveria Shqiptare ka realizuar projektin për ndërtimin e Urës së Darzezës me të gjithë parametrat e nevojshëm dhe po vijon punimet për ndërtimin e “Urës së Madhe”  (cilësuar si Ura e Semanit) pjesë e rrugës Fier-Seman. Kjo e fundit pritet të përfundojë në pak muaj duke i dhënë akses turistëve për të frekuentuar zonat turistike.

Through this intervention, the coastal area develops and unfolds another dimension of it. The beach in the area gets access and turns into another destination for many vacationers.

In addition, the construction of the Darzeza Bridge is built in line with all the necessary safety elements. It should be noted that the bridge was built before the ‘90s so it was amortized and it presented uncertainty for pedestrians and vehicles.

Mr. Armando Subashi

Major of Fier municipality
This is the Seman Bridge where the roads for Seman and Darzeza devide and also are placed the two most important beaches of Fier, starting from Karavasta and ending at the estuary of Vjosa. Thus, I believe that the beginning of the project through the bridge is the first and very important step towards our strategy on development of the coastal area, which fortunately continues to be a virgin area. It is an opportunity to realize through a masterplan the right investments in the coastline. So far, we are glad on the way implementation of the projects is going on, which is financed by the Government through the Albanian Development Fund.”
The reconstruction will connect the village of Darzeza with the city of Fier; therefore, it also facilitates circulation, enables connectivity with the beaches for public, as well as ensures coherence in relation to the urban, industrial and commercial development of the area.