On The Spot Checks for projects financed under Grant Scheme on Regional Development and Cohesion
During April-May 2022, RDPA and ADF have performed 8 On-The-Spot-Check visits to the projects’ locations which will be financed by the Grant Scheme on Regional Development and Cohesion.
- Rehove (Kolonje) – Requalification of the village center
- Seferan (Belsh) – Diversifying the touristic offer in the lakes of Belsh
- Roshnik (Berat) – Promoting the image of Roshnik village through natural and touristic paths
- Fushe Studen (Librazhd) – Requalification of the village center and creation of natural touristic paths
- Radomire (Diber) - Requalification of the village center and creation of natural touristic paths
- Vajze (Selenice) - Requalification of the village center and creation of natural touristic paths
- Lazarat (Gjirokaster) – A new herbarium which will collect, store and process medicinal herbs
- Shishtavec (Kukes) - An adventure park with many activities mainly for children and young people
Vizioni i rivitalizimit të fshatrave duke i bërë ato vende mikpritëse për banorët dhe turistët përmes nxitjes së mundësive ekonomike dhe sociale qëndron në thelb të Skemës së Granteve dhe të Programit “100+ fshatrat”. Projektet e përzgjedhura do të kontribuojnë për t’a bërë këtë vizion të prekshëm për 10 fshatrat e përzgjedhura në kuadrin e Skemës së Granteve për Zhvillimin Rajonal dhe Kohezionin.
During the visits, meetings were held with representatives of Municipalities and many issues on project implementation were discussed such as: challenges for management of the project, completion of technical projects and successful finalization within the deadline of the Grant Scheme. Municipalities which have been awarded a grant are strongly committed to ensure good results and impact by considering these initiatives highly relevant to the development of the local and regional area and, to the encouragement of local communities to invest and make use of the projects’ results.