Rehabilitation of one of the areas with the highest attendance of local and foreign visitors.

About 60% of the works have been completed and so far, the main canal is finished which continues in the northern direction, joining the new canal of Prroi i Agait. Also, the main canal located in the roundabout under the highway has been completed. The contractor has started the final works for the last canal, which is about 600ml long.

This intervention has been not only a continuous request of residents but also of tour operators. The latter emphasize that this project "will make life easier" for all visitors and the traffic jam moments and other chaotic situations as well as vehicles traffic, will no longer leave a bitter taste on image of this beautiful area in coast.


The project consists on reconstruction of secondary road, starting from roundabout of Plepa to Golem underpass. The road rehabilitation comprises reconstruction of new networks of underground facilities such as drainage, electricity and street lighting.

In this area, works will be implemented on 26 km road, canals or promenade, principally on existing trail. Meanwhile, it is also envisaged construction of structural works, which will facilitate on the large flow of vehicles, coming from secondary roads and other alternative side streets towards the main road.

The intervention primary intends further touristic development in the area, while it ensures all necessary infrastructure improvements and easiness on movement from touristic area to Kavaja, Durres or Tirana. Due to annual increasing attendance on number of tourists, there are planned parking areas, parks, squares etc. which will suit to people of different ages (children, youths, elderly people) interests as well as possibility to develop social activities, without taking into consideration using of the coast area.