Drejt përfundimit rehabilitimi i zonës së liqenit artificial, ndërhyrje e cila krijon hapësira të reja rekreative dhe argëtuese për banorët. Deri dje, zona përreth liqenit artificial kishte infrastrukturë tepër të kufizuar në drejtim të hapësirave funksionale dhe shplodhëse. Nëpërmjet realizimit të këtij projekti, i cili është pjesë e programit “Infrastuktura Vendore Rajonale”, zona rijetëzohet dhe integrohet më së miri me pjesën urbane të qytetit.

The Albanian Development Fund with the artificial reservoir’s reconceptualization and its surround area, aiming to have a visible impact for further development and improvement of the quality of life. Being one of the most important parts of the city, its revitalization will offer new urban standards and a multifunctional dimension to the community.

The investment has been necessary due to its importance for the protection of the environment so the negative impacts on the lake minimized. Moreover, the breath-taking scenery will convert the area for all residents as a meet-up location throughout every season of the year. It also should be noted its unique cultural, historical, economic, social, and environmental characteristics, which have gained considerable interest of domestic visitors as well as foreigners.

In this context, ADF supports local development (tourism & social-economic), by giving added value to the city of Ballsh.