ADF in Berat for cultural heritage, tourism, economy!
It is impossible to have not heard about the city of Berat, and in here I am not only referring to Albanian readers. If you take in consideration the historical facts, locals do not hesitate to talk about their “Museum” city, which already is protected by “UNESCO”. It witnessed for a civilization of more than 2400 years old with considerable significant historic and cultural events at national level, where every alley carries ancient stories.
Berat is a tourist destination not to be missed starting from the bridge, the Mangalem and Gorica neighborhoods, the Osum valley or the Berat Castle, where the tradition is rooted to the smallest elements like a mosaic.
Shifra prej 500 mijë vizitorësh në periudhën 2014-2020 tregon se vendbanimet e lashta dhe arkitektura e rrallë, pa lënë mënjanë këtu dhe mikëpritjen dhe “sekretet e kulinarisë vendase” e bëjnë të preferuar në çdo listë vizitorësh. Si çdo destinacion kombëtar apo më gjerë, ndër kohë kërkesat e turistëve përmblidhen nën fjalën – Akses – zbërthyer kjo në vijim me përmirësimin e një rruge për të arritur destinacionin, rikualifikim për kushtet mikpritëse pa dëmtuar zonën apo mjedisin etj.
In this regard, the Albanian Development Fund gives a strong support on tourism at the national level, and for several years it operates across the entire map of Albania,thus implementing a considerable number of projects in different cities, which bring each of us closer to these sites.- In Berat, during the weekend you can visit the castle. On the road towards it, “Muzak Topia” which was not reconstructed in 25 years, including the segment from the entrance of the city of Berat till the museum neighborhood of ‘Kala’. Not long time ago, bus drivers filled with tourists would “nënshkruanin përditë marrëveshje të heshtura për lejim – kalim” due to blockage, today the axis completes all of the required parameters of construction, paving, width, sidewalks, signage, lighting & parking spaces.
- Due to the visitors’ influx in the city, the investment became necessary, which is focused on the transformation of the central square and the underground parking space. The parking area is estimated to hold around 200 vehicles on a surface of around 8000m2, offering access to both sides of the new central square. Beyond the underground parking zone, the whole area will be turned into a pedestrian street for the citizens, including the road between the square and the two objects of cult on the city.
- If you would prefer to explore the area and the entire district, the new Berat Ring (referred to as the City Bypass) is almost completed. The new axis will function as the city’s road ring, and along with the solution for the geometrical and structural elements, it will have a positive impact in terms of functional and touristic point of view. Moreover, the latter will turn over the hidden landscape of the Osum River for its residents and visitors.
- Furthermore, through close cooperation with our international partners (World Bank), we are in the process for the project: ‘Restoration of the historic landscape of the Gorice & Mangalem neighborhoods', or the project ‘Restoration of the former Selamllik of Vrionas and its surrounding area’.
The infrastructure on the touristic sites plays an important role and contributes to the creation of a positive impact, increases quality of life and income, and affects a range of contemporary environments, focusing on the restoration and protection of their original components.