Currently, 60% of work is completed.

Projekti konsiston në “Rehabilitimin e rrugëve, shesheve dhe fasadave, blloku tek lagja nr. 2” duke përfshirë rikonceptimin dhe shtrimin me asfalt të rrugës nga Kisha e Re deri në qendër së bashku me rrugën “Rinia”. Gjithashtu do të vijojë me sistemimin dhe shtrimin e rrugëve të brendshme të lagjes që nga rrugët, trotuaret, hapësirat e gjelbëruara.

“Bashkia Pogradec është përfituese e këtij investimi, që përfshin rikualifikim të plotë të zonës, nga ndriçimi, gjelbërimi dhe restaurimi i plotë i rrugëve dhe fasadave të objekteve, për të sjellë një realitet të ri zhvillimi infrastrukturor në këtë zonë”, –bën me dije Bashkia Pogradec.

The rehabilitation process in the area, considering its strategic position, will have considerable effect for the inner development of the city, thus giving an economic and tourist dimension to the area. The intervention intends to preserve the architectural features of the implemented objects to which are related.

This project will be integrated on best manner with the context of the area. It includes small squares for citizens, accompanied with benches and greenery, preserving the entire road tracks of the Block.

The project is divided in into the following sections:

1- Systematization of “Rinia” street and “Reshit Collaku” street

2- Systematization of the sidewalk of the street "Gani Butka"

Systematization of block no. 2

The intervention is financed by the Albanian Government and it intends to improve the infrastructure of block no. 2. Currently, works are underway on roads, sidewalks, squares, parking lots and in the reconstruction of building facades. The project also foresees new lighting lines and rainwater drainage. As a very populated and frequented area of the city, the requalification of squares and parking lots is a necessity in managing the movement and providing recreational spaces for the residents.