At the request of the Municipality of Diber, in the framework of the development of the regions and the continuation of some projects for Urban Renewal, this project aims to provide a final solution to the problems below .

In this area, inert materials and urban waste were collected along the stream. The lack of investment has long been an obstacle to its development, highlighting here the great untapped tourism potentials. Close to this intervention are the thermal waters which are known for their curative abilities.

The project is divided in three phases:

1- Systematization of "Perroi i llixhave"

Ndërhyrja ka të bëjë me sistemimin e përroit te llixhave, duke ndërtuar një sistemim me mure gabioni përgjatë gjithë gjatësisë. Sistemimi i kanalit është krijuar në dy zona në lartësi të ndryshme bazuar dhe në studimet hidrologjike për prurjet. Zona e parë me lartësi 3m përbëhet nga nje mur gabioni të vazhduar dhe që  konturon një kanal me gjerësi 8m. Zona e dytë është me lartësi 2 m dhe është llogaritur që për pjesën më të madhe të vitit të jetë e shkelshme nga njerëzit pra të ketë dhe rolin e një zone rekreative, pasi është menduar të jetë e gjelbëruar.

2- Construction of a promenade along the stream

The second intervention consists in creating a promenade along the stream. This promenade is designed with a width of 3m and is planned to be paved with stone tiles. Along the promenade is foreseen lighting and greenery.

3- Construction of recreational facilities along the promenade

In order to increase the service and tourism in the area,is foreseen the construction of several premises for trade of local products and urban furniture along the promenade. The latter will be temporary structures constructed of wooden elements. Also, the urban elements will be mainly made of wooden elements where there will be benches, garbage bins, or even places for the visitors of this promenade. Wood elements are intended to be painted with paint to increase their performance against atmospheric factors or various agents which will act on these elements.

Among other things, the aim is to realize an aesthetic project, with added care in the selection of construction materials, in order to best suit the purpose of its construction, preservation of identity and functionality in this protected area, thus increasing the number of tourists and visitors.

At the end of the promenade will be built in the square, which will give an end to the alleys. Its construction will consist of the following points: 1. Laying the square 2. Greenery 3. Furniture 4. Lighting