Reconstruction of Miras-Arrez, Lot 1

The Municipality of Devoll is located in the Region of Korça and this axis will connect the above two villages. The Miras - Arrez segment L = 8 + 511 ml is a road with mountainous terrain. It starts at the exit of Miras village and continues until the intersection of Arrez-Nikolice road and ends in Arrez village.

There are 4 steps which underline the importance of this investment, which affects directly not only the residents of the beneficiary area but also the further development of the area.

  • Feasibility study and cost-benefit analysis

Based on the feasibility study & project - idea carried out by the Consulting Company, it results that the construction of this road axis is of great economic and financial benefit.

  •  Connection with the national road of Korça Region

This is one of the most important aspects as it would significantly shorten and improve the distances between these villages in the Municipality of Devoll.

  •  Increasing agricultural and livestock development

The construction of this road axis will significantly increase the development of agriculture and livestock in the villages of Devoll Municipality. With the construction of this road, farmers will have access to the regional market of Korça. In general terms, the construction of this road axis will affect positively the development of regional agricultural markets of Korça Region.

  • Rapid tourism growth

The construction of this segment will significantly affect the rapid growth of domestic and foreign tourism,as below:

– Në shkurtimin e kohës dhe distancës me resurset atraktive turistike të terrenit malor

– Në krijimin e guidave apo shtigjeve turistike të ndryshme

– Do të nxisë dhe zhvillojë më shumë turizmin malor, lumor, liqenor, kulturor dhe historik që mbart në vete zona në Qarkun e Korçës.

The Miras-Arrëz road, in terms of importance and intensity is foreseen to be a road mainly for light and medium tonnage traffic. It is worth mentioning that the Work Group conducted several meetings with representatives of Local Government Institutions during the study. The Local Government had an informative function by the Consultant regarding the project in question, as well as in conducting discussions with institutions / interest groups in the project.