Tiranë- Të Mërkurën, 12 Gusht 2020, “Çisterna Antike” e Port Muzeut  të Tricase iu prezantua komunitetit locale të pranishëm në mbërmjen e inaugurimit si edhe partnerëve shqiptarë dhe malazezë përmes lidhjes direkt online. Rivendosja e strukturës nëpërmjet restaurimit të “Çisternës Antike” paraqet një arritje kryesore të Projektit “Co.Co.Tour”, projekt i udhëhequr nga Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit dhe i bashkëfinancuar nga Programi Interreg IPA i Bashkëpunimit Ndërkufitar Itali – Shqipëri – Mali i Zi. Restaurimi është realizuar nga partnerët Italian në projekt: “Tricase Municipality” dhe “Associazione Magna Grecia Mare”.

The ancient cistern, built in the early 1900swill now be a new access point to the Port Museum of Tricase and will allow even people with special needs to have easy access to the platform, thanks to the lift installed inside. Thus achieving one of the project's key outcomes: accessibility of services and community approach to tourism. Inside, visitors will be able to acquire the first useful information to better appreciate the visit to the ecomuseum structures, learn basic knowledge about the history of the port and the city, and be informed about the scheduled events and events. This represents a new way of valorization of the coastal territory, closely integrated with the community and the local economic system, which is being promoted by Albanian Development Fund through the “Co.Co.Tour” project and in collaboration with partners. The "Co.Co.Tour" project aims at securing a smart, inclusive and sustainable growth of the coastal communities in the target areas through the development of a cross border eco-museum model and a common strategy focused on community tourism.The project is co – financed by the European Union under the Instrument for Pre –Accession Assistance (IPA III), Interreg IPA Cross Border Cooperation Italy – Albania – Montenegro.