"Construction of Agro-tourist park and rehabilitation of the entrance road of Luar village"
Tiranë- Kjo ndërhyrje parashikon rikonstruksionin e rrugës Vidhish-Luar, rikonstruksionin e rrugës Shkolla – Pylli i Luarit. Pjesë e projektit është ndërtimi i parkut Agroturistik me sheshe për aktivitete tregtare, sociale dhe ndërtimi i pedonaleve.
This investment is a complementary investment with the construction of the Roskovec-Berat road, funded by Tourism program- EBRD.
Luar Village is part of the "100 Villages" Program. The construction of the Agro-tourist Park will enable the development of local businesses with local products, promoting tourism and agro-tourism and improving living conditions for citizens and visitors.