Fortress in history!
Tirana- Berat Castle dates back 2500 years ago and is connected to the city through cobblestone roads for pedestrians.The castle area is a neighborhood inhabited by about 700 people. The current state of the road cannot freely handle the increasing influx of tourists visiting the city and the Castle. The project is funded be the World Bank and foresees the upgrade off the existing road (for vehicles) "Muzak Topia". Interventions include:
- Access to residential neighborhoods
- Reconstruction of all infrastructure elements
- Road to the new parking lot and parking for buses and private vehicles
- New sidewalks, lighting system, etc.
Në kuadër të programit `Për Zhvillim të Integruar Urban dhe Turizmin’ Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit po ndjek punimet për rikonstruksionin e plote të ketij aksi.