Shkëputur nga libri: “Guida illustrata alle Meraviglie naturali del Mondo”, Milano 1979″

Tirana - “It is the longest river in Albania, which is formed by two branches, the Black Drin and the White Drin, 283 km length”.
The Black Drin flows out of Lake Ohrid, which is 700 m above sea level. The river, 45 km length has a stunning natural beauty. The slopes are composed of limestone rocks that rise up to 800 m above sea level.
After this trip, we reach Debra. There you can find beautiful gorges, which look like massive limestone rocks.
In the eastern corner of Albania rises the "Korab mountain range where for six months you can find a sparkling, pure white panorama.
While near the city of Kukes joins the White Drin, which traverses Kosovo. Its bed is formed at 250 meters above sea level and has a flow of 98 km³ per sec.
The North Alps with its mountains range form a fascinating view which seems like a fairy tale .
The industrialization process has used the water to generate electricity, which among other things for the population along Drini has contributed to their extraction from isolation."