Qafe Thore- Theth -Mountain tourism destination
Tirana- Currently works are focused in rock excavation and track widening.
The reconstruction of the road 4-4.75 m is toward completion.
Works have been intensified in this period because of the difficulties in the terrain.
This intervention will solve the problem of transport in one of the most frequented mountain tourist destinations.
This intervention will facilitate the circulation for locals and visitors. It will also provide higher security regarding weather conditions during winter.
Me një gjatësi investimi prej 16 km, projekti për aksin Qafë Thorë – Theth është pjesë e investimeve në kuadër të programit Masterplani i Alpeve në zbatim nga Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit, me financim të qeverisë shqiptare.
Protecting the environment, fostering the local economy, and integrating this area into the tourism industry are the key elements of this project.