About 20,000 residents in the municipality of Klos will benefit from the new water supply scheme
Tirana- 55% of works have been completed in Skenderaj, Kudari,Suc,Kujtim.
Aktualisht janë realizuar mbi 98 % linjë transmetimi, si dhe rreth 95 % linjë shpërndarëse.
Meanwhile have been completed concrete processes in 3 water storage and 13 pressure breaking.
Works are in progress in the distribution network, air and discharge manholes. More than 75% of works are completed.
Construction of lines from the manholes to the border of the houses is proceeding.
Rural Water Supply Program is cofounded by the Albanian Government, German Development Bank, KfW and European Union.From the feasibility studies to maintenance processes, these interventions will ensure the creation of hygienic and sanitary conditions suitable for potable water and uninterrupted water supply, thus improving basic living conditions.
Rural Water Supply Program- extended in in the country aims to provide a long-term solution.