A breath of fresh air for the city of Independence
Tirana- It’s September 20, 2019. It's the third Friday of September and autumn is giving its signals in the coastal city.
Countless movements at any time of the day, cars move smoothly and pedestrian enjoy walks along the boulevard.
The boulevard has long waited patiently to get the space he deserves.
Today, after the reconstruction, “Ismail Qemali” boulevard lies in the middle of the city with a new modern look.
The boulevard is has recreational spaces, entertaining, greenery, bicycle lanes on the road, because not only the sea cares for the citizens' lungs.
'Good job ' – say residents and visitors while appreciating the symmetry of the building which enabled more free space.
They feel happy because citizens are in the focus of the project.
The Boulevard has given the 'freedom' long wanted. Citizens won’t walk on the street because of the overcrowding (and think during the summer season, kids and elderly) where they had to push with tables and chairs.
Now in the wide sidewalks people have the possibility to do shopping in the shops nearby, to drink coffee, etc.
Meanwhile, the reduction of traffic lanes from 2 to 1 has created a space for a pedestrian street across the boulevard and 5 safe pedestrian crossings.
This does not mean that if you are a driver, you will stuck in traffic. If you’re in another city reading about this project don't worry you won't stuck in traffic for hours and hours.
Përkundrazi qarkullimi yt dhe i makinave të tjera do të lehtësohet, përmes lidhjes me Transballkaniken dhe Unazën e Re. Transporti publik do te kete xhepat e tij’ per te ndaluar pergjate vijes se bulevardit. Dy akse të cilat dhe gjatë këtij sezoni veror përballuan me sukses, fluksin dhe pasigurinë e shumëpërfolur” gjatë tij.
The boulevard was built in just one year. Monitoring and evaluations were part of each work process. All of us may have noticed the difference during our journeys in summer.
Technically, works on the boulevard have been focused in the substrates of the road, placement of water pipes on both sides, cementing of all water wells.
Part of the interventions were 75,000 square feet of which 8,000 square feet are squares, 11,000 square feet parking space for cars and bicycles and 6 new public spaces.
The selected stones of Albanian origin have 5 tonalities, predominantly gray and beige colors, typical of Vlora Highlands.
Stones are paved in 4 mosaic patterns spread over an area of 63,000 square meters.
This emphasizes the importance of preserving origin, identity and in modern projects.
Another essential component of the project is greenery, where have been planted 15 species of plants, as well flowers in a total area of 7,450 square meters.
Boulevard "Ismail Qemali" also serves as a connecting bridge for historical monuments of Vlora, which until today were divided.
Vlora will welcome an influx of tourists from many countries. Tourists are curious to know more about the “hidden coastal treasure" which is suggested to be visited by the most prestigious tourist magazines and operators.
Vlora’s residents will have multifunctional spaces for their families enjoying not only the crystalline beach but even the urban development.