INVITATION TO APPLY-Study visit in Trieste, Italy
In the framework of the project Blue_Boost, funded by the Program INTERREG ADRION 2014-2020, the Albanian Development Fund invites experts, research organizations and other actors operating in the field of Blue Economy (Blue Economy-Shipbuilding and repairs and coast protection) for a study visit to Trieste, Italy on 09-10 September 2019.
The ADF-project partner for Albania will identify 4 representatives to participate in this study visit aimed to see closely successful and innovative models.
For more information on the selection criteria, the documents to be completed and the application form please read carefully the Terms of Reference:
EoI for CFV in Trieste – Terms of reference
Interested people can apply by sending the required documentation to: and
Traveling and accommodation costs are covered by the project for all selected applicants.
Applications must be submitted until August 23, 2019, 1:00 pm.