Representatives from public and private sectors were gathered in InnoXenia Café 3. Participants discussed and shared the difficulties of this sector. They provided concrete proposals that will be part of the Strategic Innovation Tourism Agenda being developed in the framework of InnoXenia project.  

TIRANË – Kërkesa dhe sjellja e turistëve është gjithmonë në ndryshim. Për të përballuar këto ndryshime, Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit, nëpërmjet zbatimit të projektit InnoXenia synon të përmirësojë aftësitë për të përdorur produkte, proҫese dhe shërbime novatore me qëllim pasurimin e ofertave turistike natyrore dhe kulturore.


In this framework, a discussion forum was held in Tirana with the main stakeholders in the tourism sector. The forum was in the form of a Work Cafe in which public and private sector participants discussed and shared the difficulties of this sector. They provided concrete proposals that will be part of the Strategic Innovation Tourism Agenda.

InnoXenia, entirely dedicated to innovation in Tourism in the Adriatic-Ionian region, is a project funded by the European Union through IPA funds. The Albanian Development Fund is the representative institution for Albania. Other participant countries in this project are Greece, Italy, Albania, Croatia, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina.