Hackathon for Innovation in the Blue Economy
Në kuadër të projektit Blue_Boost, të financuar nga Programi IPA Adrion, Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit organizoi në datat 24 -25 maj 2019, HACKATHON për Inovacionet në Ekonominë Blu. Në këtë event dyditor të mbajtur në Durrës, u shtruan për zgjidhje sfida dhe cështje të lidhura me inovacionet në ekonominë blu, që ishin evidentuar më parë gjatë zhvillimit të laboratorëve blu dhe workshopeve të skenarëve.
Students from the European University, Agricultural University and Aleksander University discussed about the solutions of these challenges, the steps that should be taken and possible obstacles.
Participants were divided in 6 working groups and were guided to identify innovations that can affect:
– Improving the quality of services and resource management efficiency
– Improving the tourism product, marketing and quality of service
– Creating a mobile app for tourism information and new finds
– Creating a local laboratory for mussels and salt water analysis
– Monitoring production capacities of fish enterprises
– Capacity building of local workers in the fishing sector
Experts guided students during these two days and provided all the necessary support.
All groups presented their opinions and solutions to a jury comprised of ADF representatives, UET experts and independent experts who were engaged to this process.
The winners were the students of the Agricultural University (Master course -Aquaculture and Fishing Management).The winning group addressed the topic “Capacity building of local workers in the fishing sector”. The leader of the group will participate in the Brokerage Event and Study Visit in Thesaloniki on June 4 and 5 in the framework of the Blue Boost project.