Launch of the BLUE_BOOST Transnational Call for Project Proposals, to be granted with Innovation Vouchers.
Project Partners -(1.CROATIAN CHAMBER OF ECONOMY – ZADAR COUNTY CHAMBER - Croatia, 2.UNIVERSITY OF CAMERINO - Italy, 3.THESSALONIKI CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY - Greece, 4.CENTRAL EUROPEAN INITIATIVE – EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT - Italy, 5.ALBANIAN DEVELOPMENT FUND - Albania, 6.PATRAS SCIENCE PARK S.A. - Greece, 7.APULIA REGION - Italy) has launched the call in their respective pilot areas. The Call is launched in the framework of the Voucher scheme of the "Blue Boost" project ,through which at least 5 Voucher with a max value of 10.000,00 € each will be allocated to MSMEs & Start-Ups. (SME-ve) and new businesses (( (Start-ups).
The beneficiaries, Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) & Start-Ups, will have the opportunity, thanks to the vouchers, to improve their position all along the value chains of Blue Economy thanks to knowledge/technological skills provided by (Knowledge Providers-KPs).
Experts can be : Research, Development & Innovation bodies, Skilled Enterprises and Non Institutional New Innovation Agents (such as fab labs, maker spaces, co-working spaces, creative hubs, living labs, tech shops, contamination labs, etc.). The KPs should be already registered in the international BLUE_BOOST Knowledge Providers Gallery, which is available on the “BLUE_BOOST”, in the link below
The aforementioned Transnational Innovation Voucher Scheme constitutes the main action of the BLUE_BOOST project , ( , whose central objective is to enhance the innovation capacities of the traditional and emerging sectors of the blue economy with a rapidly growing tendency in the Adriatic-Ionian area defined as the Blue Growth sectors.
The goal of the BLUE_BOOST Transnational Innovation Voucher Scheme , , is to help MSMEs & Start-Ups to design and/or create, through small innovation projects, new products, services, processes or business models.
Applications can include all stages of the innovation cycle -at technical, organizational and marketing level- from, conception & prototyping, transfer, patenting, commercialization, etc.
Applicants should be MSMEs and Start – ups: (SME) and/or new businesses (start-ups):
- Registered in Albania;
- Having an independent legal status (consortiums will be excluded);
- Operating in one of the blue growth/blue economy sectors which are reported in Annex 12 (materials can be downloaded at the end of the page);
- Having selected a Knowledge Provider already registered in BLUE_BOOST Knowledge Providers’ Gallery (“KP Gallery”).
MSMEs registered in ,BLUE_BOOST Gallery as Knowledge Providers are not eligible for applying for a voucher under this Call.
The application form (Annex 1) and other relevant Annexes, analytically described in the Call for Applications, should be sent by email to the Albanian Development Fund at: (;
Application deadline postponed to 08 July 2019 , hrs 24.00.
The submitted applications will be evaluated by Selection Boards composed by specialists in blue-growth / innovation experts, project representatives).
The winners will have six (6) months from the date of entering in force of the relative contract to conclude their innovative projects.
The project ,foresees a grant in the form of a Voucher with a maximum value of 10.000,00 €for innovative projects (no co-financing schemes are accepted)
Below you can find the link for downloading the necessary documents for application and where to get information on the whole process, the application methods, the evaluation methods and the basic documents that need to be completed.
BLUE BOOST Innovation Voucher Call Application Package Final
For more information contact:;