Four old cobblestone segments were discovered during civil works for urban requalification at Qafa e Pazarit. Two of them will be accessible to tourists and will have indicative signage for the antiquity of the cobblestone. This is another tourist attraction of this area.

TIRANA-Four old cobblestone segments (200 to 400 years old) were discovered during civil works on urban requalification and restoration of cobblestone in Qafa e Pazarit Quarter in Gjirokastra.

According to Vasil Polo- director of Regional Directorate of National Culture, old cobblestone segments were discovered in different parts of the Old Bazaar. The project for urban rehabilitation and restoration of cobblestone in Gjirokastra is funded by the Albanian Government and the World Bank in the framework of the program “Integrated Urban and Tourism Development” and is implemented by the Albanian Development Fund. The Albanian Development Fund is working closely with specialists of the Regional Directorate of National Culture who ensure that works are carried out according to the appropriate parameters.

“Specialists are restoring the cobblestone which dates back to 70s and 80s. In many places it was damaged both on the surface and on its layers. During engineering work were discovered some old cobblestone segments. The old cobblestone segments are considered 200 to 400 years old. At least this was the preliminary assessment by the specialists, "Polo said.


Segments have an average of 25.m x 2m.Two of them were again covered because of the construction of the underground engineering network. Two old cobblestone segments were carefully cleaned and covered with a special material. The whole process was monitored by the Archaeological Service Agency.

Meanwhile, the other two segments will be open for tourists and visitors. In total there are 15 square meters old cobblestone.

Segments open for public will have indicative signage that will show the antiquity of the cobblestone. This will be another tourist attraction in the Bazaar. Meanwhile, the Archaeological Service Agency is doing the necessary examinations to determine exactly the age of the cobblestone.

In 1431 Gjirokastra had a total of 67 houses. The number of homes and shops increased over time and in 1650 it became an administrative center. Gjirokastra was an administrative center constantly expanding. The Old Bazaar, which was thought to be built in the 17th century, was rebuilt again in the 18th and 19th centuries.

The foundation of today's constructions dates back to the same time. Due to the construction of the cobblestone were discovered rooms under the existing shops in Qafa e Pazarit. According to experts almost all shops in the Bazaar had undercroft and underground rooms which in some cases were connected with each other.