TIRANA- Albanian Development Fund organized last week in Elbasan and Shkodra the latest regional meetings. The goal of these meetings was the regional approach to integrated development projects and the establishment of a clear long-term cooperation for a greater impact.

FSHZH do të mbështesë bashkitë për nevojat që mund të kenë për konceptim dhe hartim projektesh, deri te gjetja e mundësive të financimit dhe zbatimi.  Koordinatorja e Njësive Rajonale të Fondit Shqiptar të Zhvillimit, Ermira Mustafaj bashkë me drejtuesit e Njësive Rajonale Korçë dhe Shkodër, Marsela Karpuzi e Shpëtim Quku nënvizuan se është shumë e rëndësishme që në bashkëpunim me bashkitë të krijohet një databazë e përbashkët për projektet prioritare në infrastrukturë, turizëm dhe zhvillim ekonomik.

A common database with priority projects provides a clear overview at the regional level of investments needed not only at the municipal or district level but also beyond this. This new approach to investment planning and their integration into development programs aims to improve and combine the interests of municipalities and stakeholders involved in projects.


These meetings have in focus also the criteria and terms of application for the call announced in the framework of the "Local and Regional Infrastructure" program.

(Announcement of the first call for project funding from “Local and regional infrastructure” program 2019)

The ADF announced in December the first call for all municipalities that benefit from the regional development program, focused on improving road infrastructure between local units and projects that serve as a catalyst for urban and rural revitalization.

The ADF’s regional units are conceived as an instrument available to municipalities to get all the encouragement and support needed for their projects.