Reconstruction work started in Agim-Babunja road which connects villages of Divjaka and Fier
TIRANË – Ka filluar puna për rikonstruksioni e rrugës Agim – Babunjë, 4,35 km që lidh dy zona bujqësore të bashkive Divjakë dhe Fier, një investim i qeverisë shqiptare nëpërmjet programit investimeve të në projekte me impakt të lartë në zhvillimin dhe promovimin e turizmit që zbatohet nga Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit.
So far, there were no large scale interventions in this segment but only some reparation with chippings. The current road is too narrow and is accessible only with small vehicles; hence vehicle circulation is almost impossible.
The project foresees the expansion of the road, construction of two lanes 2.75 km long, vertical and horizontal road signs, etc. The road will be constructed according to the best standards of road mobility and safety.
Thanks to this investment farmers of Agim village will have access to the market of Divjaka, which is the closest market.