Packages of integrated investments in tourism leveraging business growth
TIRANË – Ka përfunduar restaurimi i çative dhe fasadave për 210 shtëpi në fshatrat Dhërmi dhe Vuno.
Cultural heritage buildings such as Pirro Gjikopulli and Lluke Petro Zhupa dwellings are under restoration. Ceilings and other interior decorative elements are also undergoing restoration.
"Urban requalification and buildings restoration in the Historical Center and Protected Areas of Dhermi and Vuno villages" is a project implemented by the Albanian Development Fund in cooperation with the Institute of Cultural Monuments. This project is part of the investment program “Community Works IV ¬- Development of the Albanian Alps and the Coastal Areas” financed by the Albanian government and Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB).
Construction of the underground engineering network and cobblestones reconstruction is progressing at the same pace with building restoration.
Restoration of buildings has encouraged locals to invest and transform their houses into hostels and restaurants.
“Community Works IV ¬- Development of the Albanian Alps and the Coastal Areas” is a major investment program in southern Albania, the Albanian Alps region, as well as in districts of Vlora, Gjirokastra, Dibra, Shkodra and municipalities of Himara, Vlora, Gjirokastra, Mat, and Puka. Programi Punët në Komunitet IV – Zhvillimi i Alpeve Shqiptare dhe Zonës Bregdetare)
The main objective of the program is to promote sustainable socio-economic development in areas of high tourism potential, through improvement of integrated public infrastucture while respecting environment and preserving cultural and historical heritage.
In the municipality of Himara, the program foresees several integrated investment packages for which work has started last year.
Që nga infrastruktura rrugore, vendet parkimit, ndërtimi i infrastrukturës turistike në plazhet e Jalit dhe Dhërmiut, deri te rikonstruksioni i rrugëve, kalldrëmeve, ujësjellës – kanalizime, fasadave, çative, shesheve si sheshi Petro Marko dhe sheshi Strungli në fshatrat e Vunoit dhe Dhërmiut. Pjesë e këtyre ndërhyrjeve ishte edhe ndërtimi i shëtitoreve në plazhin e Jalit dhe Dhërmiut që tashmë kanë përfunduar. Ndërkohë, në Dhërmi po punohet intensivisht për ndërtimin e hapësirave urbane si vende pushimi përgjatë shëtitores, ndërtimi ujvarës së shkronjave dhe riparime të tjera.
All investments aim to create opportunities for enriching the tourism offer with cultural and historical elements and promoting private businesses even in those areas of the southern coast that have been neglected so far.