Work in progress - Urban Requalification of Shkembi i Kavajes
TIRANË – Prej fillimit të tetorit vazhdon puna për rikonstruksionin e rrugëve të brendshme dhe rikualifikimin e hapësirave publike në zonën e plazhit tek Shkëmbi i Kavajës.
On behalf of the Albanian government, the Albanian Development Fund is implementing investments in infrastructure with high impact in tourism development.
Excavations, underground sewerage systems, construction of box culverts and other civil works are been carried in various road segments of the area.
Shkembi i Kavajes is a highly frequented beach area by tourists and locals throughout the whole year. The road network is poorly paved and there are no public or recreational spaces.
Besides the pavement of the road network, completed also with signage and lighting, the project foresees development of green spaces, parks and playgrounds.
Private properties will be minimally affected during implementation, while an important part of the project is the construction of a promenade along the seafront.