Discussion about innovative tourism ideas and strategies
The Albanian Development Fund has organized a forum to discuss ideas about innovative tourism strategies, activities and new services in many tourism fields, such as:
- Gastronomy, souvenirs, selection of destinations, marketing etc.
This forum is organized in the framework of the constant change of tourist demands and behavior. In this context, it is important to take measures to:
- cope with these changes,
- improve skills to use new products, processes and services in order to enrich natural and cultural tourism offers.
Në këtë aspekt, në projektin e përbashkët që përfshin Greqinë, Italinë, Shqipërinë, Kroacinë, Slloveninë dhe Bosnje – Hercegovinën, Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit është Institucioni përfaqësues për Shqipërinë.