New Water Supply Schemes - Public Consultation with Beneficiaries
The investment-in the preparatory phase, is being implemented by the Albanian Development Fund in the framework of the Rural Water Supply Program III, on behalf of the Albanian Government and the German Development Cooperation, KfW.
During this week the Albanian Development Fund organized a public consultation with representatives of the local government, the Durres Water Supply and Sewerage (UK) and local residents. The latter, were acquainted with the draft project, the planned stages of implementation and future operation and maintenance.
This project ensures the connection of the entire population with the water supply network.
In total, the investment for these two schemes amounts to about 2.5 million Euro. Work on site is scheduled to begin in February 2019 and will last up to 12 months.
Upon project completion, Durres Water Supply and Sewerage company will manage and maintain the new water schemes basing on well-defined procedures.