TIRANA-17.000 residents of 26 villages of Diber, Mat, Klos, Tropoje and Lezhe municipalities will benefit from the new water supply schemes. Civil works tender was announced after the completion of the technical project and Implementation work will start in autumn 2018.

Ujësjellësat e rinj do të ndërtohen në njësitë administrative Qendër Tomin – Bashkia Dibër, Komsi – Bashkia Mat, Llugaj dhe Tropojë – Bashkia Tropojë, Kallmet – Bashkia Lezhë dhe Gurrë, Suç – Bashkia  Klos.


This investment is in the frame of “Rural Water Supply Program III” , which foresees a large -scale intervention throughout the whole country, ensuring 24/7 potable watter with the highest quality.

The project foresees construction of new water supply networks, reservoirs and other infrastructure components. All costumers will have watermeters and water tarrif will be affordable.The investment will ensure sustainable water system which will provide high water quality and will fulfill the demand of 120 liters / per capita throughout the year.

Furnizimi me Ujë i Zonave Rurale është një Program i bashkëfinancuar nga Qeveria Shqiptare, Banka Gjermane për Zhvillim, KfW, Bashkimi Europian  dhe zbatohet nga Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit.