Reconstruction of Shiroka square gets underway
TIRANË – Ka nisur puna për Rikonstruksionin e Sheshit të Shirokës, në Bashkinë Shkodër. Investimi është pjesë e projektit “Për Rikualifikimin e Bregut Perëndimor të liqenit të Shkodrës”, financuar nga qeveria shqiptare nëpërmjet Fondit Shqiptar të Zhvillimit.
Reconstruction of Shiroka Square covers an area of about 20.000 m2.The intervention foresees the restoration of 2,000 m2 facades, construction of 1,500m2 new roofs, construction of 1,700m2 public parking, laying the square with mosaic tiles, public lighting, construction of water-supply and sewerage network, greenery, etc.
This project preserve the historical, urban and natural identity of the area. For example the traditional models for the mosaic of the central square, the use of unified material and colors for the restoration of the facades.
Works will last one year and is expected to be completed next summer.
The project "Requalification of the Western coast Shkodra lake" foresees the transformation of Shiroka area and Shkodra Lake's western coast into a genuine tourist destination that offers urban and natural spaces dedicated to all lovers of nature, history or sports.