TIRANË – Banorët e Pogradecit, veçanërisht ata që banojnë pranë rrugës Pogradec-Tushemisht treguan interes dhe pjesëmarrje të lartë në konsultim publik për vlerësimet mjedisore dhe sociale për rikonstruksionin e LOT i të rrugës.

Pogradec – Tushemisht road is part of the “Regional and Local Roads Connectivity” program, financed by the government of Albania and the World Bank and implemented by the Albanian Development Fund.

The public meeting was held on 31 July, at the premises of Pogradec municipality. Its aim was to inform project affected locals on private property, compensation procedures and environmental impacts.


What is the Environmental and Social Management Plan and the Resettlement Action Plan?

Both plans are assessment documents focusing on project impacts such as people and environment.

Albanian Government and donor policies pay a great attention to environmental care and involvement of the community affected by these projects. In this way assessment through public consultation is more realistic and transparent.

Albanian Development Fund organizes public consultation since the early stages of projects to increase transparency and at the same time encourage community participation in development projects.