Sub-project “Reconstruction of the road Pogradec-Tushemisht, Lot 1”
Nën-projekti “Rikonstruksioni i rruges Pogradec-Tushemisht, Lot 1” pritet të financohet nëpërmjet një huaje të Bankës Botërore për qeverinë shqiptare dhe do të zbatohet nga Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit.
On July 31, 2018, at 11:30, in the premises of the Municipality of Pogradec, the following documents will be presented to the public:
- Environmental and Social Management Plan
- Local Resettlement Action Plan
Residents of the area and all interested are invited to participate in this meeting.
You can download draft reports, in two languages, at the following link:
- Abbreviated Local Resettlement Action Plan, draft (English)
- Environmental and Social Management Plan, draft (English)
On 31 July 2018, in the Municipality of Pogradec, a meeting was held with the public to discuss the social and environmental impacts of the project “Reconstruction of the road Pogradec-Tushemisht, Lot 1”, which is expected to be financed by a World Bank loan.
In this discussion participated local inhabitants directly related to the investment, representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions, who raised various questions about this project. A more detailed report on the issues raised in the meeting can be found in the accompanying document:
ESMP Pogradec-Tushemisht English Final
For any comments, you can contact the ADF representative (link
The sub-project “Reconstruction of the road Pogradec-Tushemisht, Lot 1” is expected to be financed through a loan from the World Bank to the Albanian government and will be implemented by the Albanian Development Fund.
On July 31, 2018, at 11:30, in the premises of the Municipality of Pogradec, the following documents will be presented to the public:
- Environmental and Social Management Plan
- Local Resettlement Action Plan
Residents of the area and all interested are invited to participate in this meeting.
You can download draft reports, in two languages, at the following link:
- Abbreviated Local Resettlement Action Plan, draft (English)
- Environmental and Social Management Plan, draft (English)
On 31 July 2018, in the Municipality of Pogradec, a meeting was held with the public to discuss the social and environmental impacts of the project “Reconstruction of the road Pogradec-Tushemisht, Lot 1”, which is expected to be financed by a World Bank loan. In this discussion participated local inhabitants directly related to the investment, representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions, who raised various questions about this project. A more detailed report on the issues raised in the meeting can be found in the accompanying document:
ESMP Pogradec-Tushemisht English Final
For any comments, you can contact the ADF representative (link