Evaluation of socio-economic impact
Vlerësimi i impaktit socio – ekonomik
In Albania, there is about 10,000 km of rural roads administered by the Local Government Units of the first and second level.
A study done by the World Bank in 2006 found that over 70% of the roads were in bad or horrible condition. This classification was associated with the note that a good part of the streets was in such a state that they were classified in "awful" situation but that could hardly be classified as a route because they were impassable for most of the year.
Until 2008, investments in secondary and local roads were almost absent, fragmented, without coordination between investors, executors, and beneficiaries, and above all with completely exceeded standards concerning the increased demand for transport.
Given that almost half of the country's population lives in rural areas, it is clear that the secondary road network was at the pace of economic development.
The Albanian Development Fund conceived the "Improvement of Secondary and Local Roads" program because of the complex situation which required the coordination of national strategies.
Ky angazhim i FSHZH erdhi në vijim të angazhimeve të hershme të institucionit në zbatimin e disa projekteve me rëndësi në zhvillimin social – ekonomik të vendit në nivel rajonal dhe lokal.
The program began in 2008, targeting three main pillars:
- Establishment of a road network inventory system and prioritization of investments;
- Rehabilitation of secondary and local road network, involving 144 road and bridge segments, the total of 1,200 km;
- Stabilize operation and maintenance process of this road network;
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