Rehabilitation of Fier-Seman Road
Nën-projekti “Rehabilitimi i rrugës Fier-Seman” pritet të financohet nëpërmjet huasë së Bankës Botërore për qeverinë shqiptare, të zbatuar nga Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit, sapo të miratohet projekti “Rehabilitimi i rrugeve lidhese rajonale dhe lokale”.
The draft preliminary designs for this road section have been submitted by the designer, and has been prepared the draft Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Report.
This report will be discussed on January 15, 11:00, at the Administrative Unit of Qender, Fier Municipality, at “‘Rakip Kryeziu high school”, Ferma Çlirimi
All stakeholders are invited to participate in the discussion.
Ju mund ta shkarkoni këtë draft raport në lidhjen e mëposhtme:
ESIA Fier – Seman – draft shqip (Download)
Information about the meeting Information about the meeting Download
For any comments, you can contact the ADF representative
Albanian Development Fund
Rr. Sami Frasheri Nr. 10, Tirane