REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REoI) – Environmental Consultancy Services for PIUTD”
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REoI) (Individual Consultant Services) Albanian Development Fund Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) IBRD Loan No: 8656- ALB. Project ID Number: P155875…
Terms of Reference for Social Consultancy Services for PIUTD
PIUTD Project of Integrated Urban and Tourism Development TERMS OF REFERENCE Social Consultancy Services for PIUTD REF No: AL-ADF-280298-CS-INDV Municipality of Berat, Saranda, Permet and Gjirokastra …
Terms of Reference for Environmental Consultancy Services for PIUTD
PIUTD Project of Integrated Urban and Tourism Development TERMS OF REFERENCE Environmental Consultancy Services for PIUTD REF No: AL-ADF-280297-CS-INDV Municipality of Berat, Saranda, Permet and Gjirokastra (Possibly also…
External Expertise “Technical support for the implementation of the activities related to the WPT2 – Implementation of LICs and Establishment of the Adriatic Landscape interpretation Network”
External Expertise “Technical support for the implementation of the activities related to the WPT2 – Implementation of LICs and Establishment of the Adriatic Landscape interpretation Network” Publication reference P.A.2/S.O.2.1-N.1108-02…
Notification of Award
NOTIFICATION FOR AWARD Project name: Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) Assignment title: “Consultancy Services for Tourism Information Management System and Statistics Improvement – Assessment and…
Piers rehabilitation in Zogaj, Shiroke and Shkoder ALMONIT-MTC-WP-IW-1
Standard advertisement for local publication of local open tender procedures Piers rehabilitation in Zogaj, Shiroke and Shkoder ALMONIT-MTC-WP-IW-1 Albanian Development Fund intends to award a work contract for…
Invitation to Tenderers
Invitation to Tenderers The Government of Albania (hereinafter called “the Government”) has received a loan (hereinafter called “the Loan”) from the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) (hereinafter called “the Fund”)…
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REoI) (Consultant Services) – Përmet Albanian Development Fund Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) IBRD Loan No: 8656- ALB. Project…
REQUEST FOR BIDS Small Works (One-Envelope Bidding Process) Employer: Albanian Development Fund (ADF) Project: Regional and Local Roads Connectivity Project (RLRCP) Contract title: “Construction of the road Pogradec – Tushemisht…
Clarification on Request for Expressions of Interest Project: Regional and Local Roads Connectivity Project (RLRCP) (Project No. P163239) Assignment Title: “Design of Construction of Road Prekal – Qafa…