REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REoI) (Consultant Services) – Berat Albanian Development Fund Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) IBRD Loan No: 8656- ALB. Project ID Number:…
Terms of Reference for 4 Local Tourism Coordinators (one per each city: Berat, AL-ADF-254593-CS-INDV; Përmet REF No: AL-ADF-255193-CS-INDV; Gjirokastra REF No: AL-ADF-255194 -CS-INDV; Saranda REF No: AL-ADF-255195-CS-INDV)
Terms of Reference Establishment of Tourism Destination Partnerships to Accelerate Tourism Recovery Planning in Four Municipalities in Southern Albania 4 Local Tourism Coordinators (one per each city: Berat,…
Invitation to Tenders
Invitation to Tenderers The Government of Albania represented by the Project Executing Agency has received funds from the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany through KFW Development Bank (KFW)…
CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE Project Name: “Integrated urban improvement of the city of Berat/Package 2 (Antipatrea + Iliaz Vrioni + Signaling”; “Integrated upgrading of Zvernec – Narta & Benja thermal…
Ftese per Oferte
FTESË PËR OFERTË SHQIPERI Projekti për Integrimin Urban dhe Zhvillimin e Turizmit Hua nga IBRD: Nr. 8656- ALB Titulli i Kontratës: “Punimet Civile për: ”Rigjenerimi i zones rreth…
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST (REOI) (CONSULTING SERVICES) Republic of Albania Albanian Development Fund (ADF) Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) IBRD Loan No: 8656- ALB….
Contract Award
Information to bidders Contract Award German Financial Cooperation with Republic of Albania Programme for the reconstruction of public buildings “Refurbishment of Vat Bushi School Building” …
Contract Award
Information to bidders Contract Award German Financial Cooperation with Republic of Albania Programme for the reconstruction of public buildings “Supply, Delivery, Erection and Commissioning of Interim…
Contract Award
NOTIFICATION FOR AWARD Project name: Project for Integrated Urban and Tourism Development (PIUTD) Assignment title: “Supervision services for Integrated urban upgarding works – Municipality of Gjirokastra” Reference…
Terms of Reference
PIUTD Project of Integrated Urban and Tourism Development TERMS OF REFERENCE Site Management, Interpretive, Visitor Experience Plans, Design and Supervision for Kanina Castle, Borsh Castle and Spile Cave…