Supervision services for roads reconstruction (approx. 45 km)
CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE Implementing Agency: Albanian Development Fund Country: Albania Project: Regional and Local Roads Connectivity Project (RLRCP) (Project No. P163239) Loan No.: 8850-AL Assignment Title: “Supervision services for…
Procedura: Rindërtimi i objekteve arsimore në zonat e prekura nga tërmeti
NJOFTIM Procedura: Rindërtimi i objekteve arsimore në zonat e prekura nga tërmeti Në vijim të Njoftimeve të deritanishme, mbi shpalljen e procedurave të reja të prokurimit publik, apo vijimin…
Njoftimi i kontratës për: Mbikëqyrja e punimeve, rindërtimi i shtëpive individuale në zonat e prekura nga tërmeti
Emri dhe adresa e autoritetit përgjegjës Emri: Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Adresa: Rruga “Sami Frashëri” nr.10, Tiranë Tel/Fax: +355 4 234885 Email: Faqja e Internetit: Lloji i…
Njoftimi i kontrates për: “Rindërtimi i objekteve arsimore në zonat e prekura nga tërmeti”
Emri dhe adresa e autoritetit pergjegjës Emri: Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit Adresa: Rruga “Sami Frashëri” nr.10, Tiranë, Shqipëri Tel/Fax: +355 4 234885 Email: Faqja e Internetit:…
Two Stage Open Competitive Selection – Invitation to submit Expressions of Interest
Procurement Notice Two Stage Open Competitive Selection – Invitation to submit Expressions of Interest Assignment name: Supervision of rehabilitation of three national roads section: Vlore – Orikum Road (10.6km),…
Project Name: Regional and Local Roads Connectivity EBRD Project ID: 50123 Country: Albania Type of Procurement: Goods, Works, Consultancy Client Name: Republic of Albania Business Sector: Transport Notice Type: General…
“Design services for urban regeneration of Vlora central waterfront, Flag Square and port area”
NOTIFICATION OF CONTRACT AWARD DECISION Executing Agency: Albanian Development Fund. Project: Community Works IV: Development of the Albanian Alps and Coastal Areas Assignment Title: “Design services for urban regeneration of…
External Expertise on “Quality assurance, related to management and reporting”
External Expertise on “Quality assurance, related to management and reporting” P.A.4/S. O 4.1-N.359-03 Albanian Development Fund (ADF) intends to award a service contract for support of ADF, as the…
Supply and installation of FILA Lab equipment P.A.1/S.O.1.1 – N.19-04
Standard advertisement for local publication of local open tender procedures Supply and installation of FILA Lab equipment P.A.1/S.O.1.1 – N.19-04 Albanian Development Fund (ADF) intends to award a supply contract…
Reconstruction of the road Lekdush-Bence-Tepelene, Lot 2
CONTRACT AWARD NOTICE Employer: Albanian Development Fund (ADF) Project: Regional and Local Roads Connectivity Project (RLRCP) Contract title: “Reconstruction of the road Lekdush-Bence-Tepelene, Lot 2” Country: Albania Loan No.:…